ch 32

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    A couple of days went by and everything was normal except the practice that is happening in the uni for the matches. It was getting hectic but still everyone enjoyed it too.

In jungkook's life nothing much happened everything was going smoothly. Even with taehyung he was having a nice time as they had a few matches against each other.

And like everyday today was also over with the students being tired from the game. "Wah finally one more day and than we will have our semi final. I am really excited" Jimin said jumping from here to there. "Good for you hyung as you all are already in the semi final but we still have to perform tomorrow to get selected" Jungkook said with a huff.

"Don't worry kook I am sure even if your team doesn't win you still will be selected for the game you are a great player" Hope said. Jungkook just smiled at him.

They chatted till the uni gate and than parted their ways. Jungkook was waiting for the bus when a car stopped in front of him and the driver was none other than taehyung. He pulled down the window and looked at jungkook not saying any word.

"What do you want stop looking at me like a 3rd grade thief". Hearing this taehyung cleared his throat and said "well your sense is stupid I am not 3rd grade thief but a very much handsome thief" Tae said wiggling his eyebrow once. "Doesn't matter a thief is a thief". " Oh just sit in the car already ". " And why would I do that". "Cause I am dropping you off at your place that's why". "And who told you to do that". "I don't need anyone to tell me that". "Than I am not coming with you". "Oh thank you for the permission now sit inside before I will have to pick you up like last time and get you inside". " And you think I will just let you do that I will scream and tell everyone that you are trying to kidnap me". "They won't dare to do anything I am too good to be mistaken as a kidnapper". " People don't care when they get a chance to beat someone's ass for fun or to let out their frustration ". " You are soo cruel but I don't care now sit inside".

Jungkook didn't moved and the very next moment taehyung came out got him in his arms and again put him inside and jungkook again cursed him. It has been going on like this since the day tae first dropped him off he now always drops him off but jungkook doesn't wanted to get in trouble nor for himself or tae that's why he is trying his best to stop tae from doing anything or getting too close to him. But tae was stubborn and always did what he wanted to do.

Taehyung dropped jungkook a few blocks away like he does and waited till he reached and than went away.


Today is the day when semi final is going to happen and the teams were having best players of the uni who will compete against each other and from those best 11 will be chosen for final match.

Team 1 : Taehyung, Jungkook, Jimin Mark, Kai, Bam, Taehyun, Huening kai, Bogam, Woozi and Beomgyu.

Team 2 : Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hope, Jackson, Felix, Soobin, Yeonjun, Baekhyun, Chanyeol and karm.

These two teams will compete against each other today.

"Are you all ready for the match let's do our best fighting" Woozi said. And everyone cheered. "Well you know I am excited to see my baby she will be cheering for me with her that cute smile" Kai said. "Not only you but for us too" One of the group mate said. "But more for me " Kai said. "Well I also have my darling cheering for me there with her charming smile and I don't care about being selected cause she is my real prize" Bogam said who was talking about his girlfriend Lisa.

"Alright now stop your all these girlfriend talks and let's go game is about to start and we are the ones who will play it along with others and also focus on the game not on your girls ok" This time mark said. "You should also focus as you have your boyfriend playing in the opposite team" Bam said. "Same to you bamie". "Yah you all now focus on the game and forget that your boys are playing and just think of them as a competition ok ". Everyone nodded at that.

With that everyone left the room and than reached the ground. Everyone was shouting and cheering for both the teams.

The game started with a whistle and ended with a whistle too. The winning team was team 2. Everyone was cheering for them and now the committee which will decide the final team to play against the other college were discussing and analysing the performance of each player to make the best team.

All the players were having a rest for the time being or more like talking with their boyfriends or girlfriends some went to change though as they felt uncomfortable in those sweaty clothes..

After about a hour or so the players were called in the auditorium to declare the final team.

"Hello everyone you all did great in today's game and i have to say that you all do have a talent for sports. But still to ensure that our uni wins this year's trophy we had to select the best ones and we did even though it was difficult enough. I hope nobody takes this in a wrong or bad way instead should think of it as a motivation to do best ok, so now those who are selected please move forward as your names will be announced ".

"Jeon jungkook, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Jackson Wang, Choi Yeonjun, Park chanyeol, Kim Taehyung, Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Kang Taehyun and Park jimin congratulations to all of you fighting for the match but for those who have made it to the semi final will also get  gifts and medal from our uni for their amazing performance, thank you".

Everyone cheered for the players and congratulated them. "You all better fighting for the match I will  leave now I am tired let's go Jackson baby" Bam said and Jackson ran behind him. And just like that everyone left from there one by one.

"Woah I can't believe they really chose me though cause I really suck in physical games" Hope said. "Nah hoba you play like a pro when doing so it's as if you suddenly get an spirit inside yourself while you do something with focus" Namjoon said.

"Well it's a surprise for me too that they chose me". Yoongi said. " It's a surprise for me too as you are quite lazy to do anything I can tell that by just looking at your face" Jin said. Yoongi gave him a sharp look and than just left along with others from there.

And as usual jungkook was dropped off by taehyung today too.

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