ch 38

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A few days have went by and jungkook was still unconscious but his injures were getting better cause of the constant medication along with most effective medicines.

On the other side taehyung had started his research on the Jeon family and had got to know about their business and with the help of his connection he also got to know about what the jeons treasure the most and that is their reputation, their image, their business, money, power.

Now taehyung knew what he has to do so here he was in front of his father asking him for something.

"Dad I wanna handle your business for a while" Tae said. "Why so suddenly dear". "I just want to do it cause I have suddenly got this business man spirit inside myself that i just want to do that and you know dad that i can handle it quite well right".  "Hmm i know son and cause of your this spirit I can also spend some time with your mom". "Yes dad, so may i". "Of course who have stopped you go on the company is yours".

Taehyung hugged his father and then after getting ready he went to the office while his appa called his secretary to let him know about the sudden change he also told him to get to know the real reason behind his son's sudden decision.

Taehyung reached there and after some greetings he was in the office. He called the secretary and said "Soohun Hyung can you please get the files about the investment and contract between jeon company and us". Soohun nodded and did as he was told to.

Taehyung took the file and read it and got to know that the jeons have 1.5℅ share in their company while they had 35℅ of share. Also the contract between them was about the supply of required things to jeon in exchange of their shares.

Taehyung smirked seeing this as he knew what is about to happen. He again called the secretary. "Hyung could you please get a list of all the investers who have invested in jeon company". "Yeah just give me some time" He said and left while tae leaned back in the chair. He was thinking about how he will destroy them when he thought about jungkook and called jimin to know about him.

"Hello jimin where are you now". "Hey tae well I am with jungkook right now. How you doin? ". "I am good and what about jungkook is he alright". "Seems like but still unconscious". "Hmm ok jimin I will talk to you later bye". "Bye".

Soohun entered the room and gave the papers to taehyung who took them and read through them. He looked up at soohun who raised an eyebrow while looking at taehyung's face.

"Hyung cancel the contract of supply with the jeons". Soohun was confused and asked " But why".

"Cause they are not utilizing it in a right way they add drugs in their product and that is illegal as we all know" Tae said standing up from his chair. "And how do you know that" Soohun asked.

"I have got their products tested also write a legal notice for compensation of wrong use of our material and if they don't pay off then they will be losing their company". "Are you sure taehyung cause you know it wouldn't be good for us if they haven't done that so please be sure". "I am more than sure don't worry hyung just do as I say".

Soohun nodded and went out to do as he was told but first he gave a call to Mr. Kim to get his permission too and Mr. Kim told him to do as tae said cause he must be having a reason behind his words.

So as said it was also done like that. Notice was sent and so now the jeon company was in a disaster. Mr. Jeon was on a call with Soohun asking about the notice and soohun just said what taehyung told him that they have drugs in their products.

Mr. Jeon tried his best but he just got the warning in return.

On the other hand the news was spread like fire and the reporters were outside Jeon company to get the answers of their questions.

"Right now we are in front of the Jeon company and we have got to know that an emergency board meeting has been organized, we are here to get the information about that claim that Kim corporation has put on Jeon about using drugs in their products, so please look forward about this we will keep you updated about everything, thank you" A reporter said and soon the cars of the director were coming in their way.

As they steped out they were bombarded with different question but ignoring them all they went in the company.

"What is this all Mr. Jeon how could you do this huh do you think it is a joke you were using drugs in your products" One of the director said. "No Mr. Klee that's not right it's a fake claim we don't use any drugs you know we get our products tested too right the Kim is just trying to frame me in to something I never did".

"Oh yes and why would they do it huh, listen Mr. Jeon we are going to test the products and if they are detected to be drug filled we will take all our investment from you understood" One of them said and then left from their.

Mr. Jeon didn't knew what to do so he dicided to directly talk with Mr. Kim as he was the only resort for him now.

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