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Next day Jungkook got up and did his daily routine, had his breakfast, cleaned the house and afterwards went to Namjoon's house for the meet up. He took a bus as Namjoon's house was quite far. He reached there and rang the doorbell.

As the door opened, he was engulfed in a bear hug and this time it was his Jiminie hyung. "Jungkookah I missed you soo much bunny and let me tell you I have two good news for you". "Really what is it hyung?". Before Jimin could continue someone's, voice disrupted him. "First let him in Jimin then talk, what's with everyone hugging him at the door" Namjoon murmured to himself. "Now tell me hyung what is the good news" Jungkook said while sitting down in the sofa. "Well.... Me, Hobi and Yoongi are dating" Jimin said with a complete red face. "Oh my god hyung I am soo much happy for you and wah how long have you three been dating". "Well from the day I first met Hobi I realized I like him too as I was already in love with Yoongi but then after meeting both of them I was confused and decided to talk to Jin hyung about this and I didn't knew Hobi heard it all and then he also came and confessed his feelings and we both were looking for the opportunity to ask Yoongi out but then it all messed up when we saw a girl flirting with him and we lost it and that's how that day Yoongi got to know about our feelings and we started dating" Jimin finished finally with a huff. "And what about that girl I know for sure you won't just let her go" Jungkook asked squinting his eyes. " Well, I might have grabbed her hair and dragged her out of the shop and maybe or maybe not dumped her in the dust bin" Jimin said innocently. "This is what exactly you did baby" Hobi said.

Jungkook looked at them with fascination. "How do you feel hyung having hyungs as your lovers?" Jungkook asked. "I feel extremely happy, why won't I, I have such amazing, lovely, cute, adorable, sexy, extraordinary,". "Stop it Hobi it's enough he got it that you love them soo much let the kid breath" Jin said.

Jungkook stood up and went towards his jin hyung he missed him too much too and hugged him tightly. "Oh my baby how are you and how was your work did you had any trouble let hyung know I will whoop their asses hmm" Jin said. "I am good hyung and nobody did anything bad with me". "Well then let know what you wanna eat I will make it". "Well everything you make is tasty and amazing so anything is fine". " Oh thank you dear well how about some chicken noodle soup and also some fried juicy meat". Jungkook's eyes shined and he nodded his head vigorously.

Jin went to cook while minseok were sitting on the sofa admiring Yoongi who was sleeping. Namjoon was trying to help jin but every time he made a move he was immediately shoved out by jin and right now he was sulking at one corner of the kitchen while being completely ignored by jin. And jungkook was observing everything silently. He was happy that they were happy. He was sitting peacefully when suddenly he remembered something. "Hyung Jimin hyung you didn't told me the second good news". "I didn't? Well it's that you are finally gonna meet my soul mate tae today he's gonna be here to join us today". "Well what if he again has some work to do and he won't come". " Don't worry he will come today I took his very close to his heart plusy he will come to Pacific Ocean if it's for his this plusy" Jimin said with a smirk. Jungkook started thinking about all his favorite things just in case there arises a situation he don't wanna lose his precious things.

They were all doing there things when the door bell rang and Jimin stood up with a excited squeal and ran towards the door and soon a shout of soulmate was heard. "Come on tae hurry you gotta meet a very important person of our group come" Jimin said excited. Now Jungkook was also excited to meet him and he stood up from the sofa to greet him but he was left standing frozen when he saw the face of the boy who was their hyungs another precious baby.

The situation was no different on the other side too Taehyung was completely shocked too and he can't even move his body, the boy who had always thought him as something with bad personality is his hyungs precious baby. "Jungkook meet him he is Kim Taehyung my best friend and soulmate and Taehyung this is Jeon Jungkook my precious bunny boy". The boys were brought out of their thoughts and they again looked at each other. "Um hello nice to meet you hyung" Jungkook said. "Nice to meet you too jungkook". They both shook their hands. "What the hell are you both doing a business meeting or what come on hug each other we are family" Hope said. They both looked at each other and then hesitantly hugged.

"Oh tae you are finally meeting jungkook it's a relief we thought you'd never meet him. How have you been bear" Jin asked. "Oh I am good hyung how about you all how have you all been? ". " We're all good too and now come sit at the table everyone food is all ready just help in serving it" Jin said and then left others also went behind him to help but Namjoon was kicked out the very next second by Jin again.

Taekook were just standing there Jungkook was thinking of a way to say sorry to him while Taehyung was thinking how he should say sorry to jungkook for the first time they met at the bridge. They were again disturbed by Jimin's voice calling them. They went without exchanging any words with each other.

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