ch 40

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A couple of days have went by and everything is going smooth with the kims but jeons they are having a hard time. Their source of income had been snatched from them so yeah they are trying to find a job but cause of Mr Jeon's case nobody wanted to keep them in their company.

But today Mr. Jeon went to one of his friend's office to get work and he got cause of the friendship they had. Now he is a sales department employee.

On the other side taehyung was worried about Jungkook's health as he was still unconscious but luckily his body has almost recovered from all those bruises.

Right now he was on his way to go and meet Jungkook as he always did.

Once he was inside he saw yoonminseok sleeping while sitting and leaning on each other. He went towards them and gently shook hope, who stirred a little in sleep and then opened his eyes.

"Tae what happened". "Nothing hyung but i think you should go home and rest I will look after jungkook ok". "Hm ok, let me just wash my face".

With that hope went in the bathroom and taehyung woke jimin up and so now they were ready to leave while yoongi was being carried by hope as he refused to wake up and especially walk till the car.

Now, taehyung went towards Jungkook's bed and sat there for some time and just stared at him. Then he stood up and cleaned the room a little and after that again went towards him and sat down admiring him.

'Take as much rest as you want kook but once you wake up make sure you never get in such condition ever again cause I won't let you to' he thought.

From morning, it was afternoon and tae had his lunch which was brought by namjoon for him, and now it was evening tae spend his whole day with jungkook and also did his uni work.

After finishing his study he stood up and stretched his body and then went towards the window opening it for a bit to get fresh air and after sometime he was about to close it when a voice came from behind almost inaudible but still he caught who was saying.

"Ke-ep t-hem ope-n" Jungkook said atleast tried to. And tae turned around quickly.

"Jungkook are you alright, how are you feeling, is it hurting anywhere, do you feel nauseous,let me just call the doctor". " Wat-er" Jungkook said and so taehyung took the glass and helped him drink while still laying down.

He also called the doctor who was in the room in no time and checked up on jungkook.

"Hmm jungkook your health is stable now and also your injuries have healed, you will just have to stay here for 2-3 days and then you're ready to go". Jungkook listened and nodded his head. "Now i will go and send you food to eat and you will have to eat without any excuses ok". Jungkook again nodded his head and the doctor went out of the room.

Taehyung went to call hyungs and tell them about jungkook. He came back after the call and then sat beside jungkook. They did not talk just stayed with silence. Soon a nurse came with food and tae took it and then adjusted Jungkook's bed and started feeding him. In the middle of feeding the door opened and came inside the hyungs and they went towards jungkook giving him gentle hugs.

"How are you kook" Jin asked. "Am good hyung. How are you all". "We are good too" Hope said.

"Hyung tell me everything" Jungkook said. "I will but first take rest and once we are at home I will tell you everything ok" Jin said and then tucked jungkook back in when he finished his food.

Those three days went with in a blink of an eye and now they are taking jungkook back to home at namjin's home.

They all settled in the bedroom which was assigned to jungkook.

"Okay so jungkook first of all let me tell you that you are never ever going back to your parents ok, you will stay with us from now on" Namjoon said. And jungkook nodded his head trying to hide his tears.

They told everything to jungkook from that day till now also including about what happened to his appa and how now he had nothing.

Jungkook just heard everything and then hugged his hyungs and after sometime he told them that he wanted to sleep so they all left him there. But jungkook cried all night silently. He was grateful towards them all and he was just overwhelmed with feelings.

Next day jungkook woke up with the motto to not remember about anything happened before and live  happily with them.

He went downstairs and saw jin serving food to namjoon, hobi and yoongi. He went to them. "Good morning hyungs". "Good morning jungkook let's have breakfast together". Jungkook nodded his head happily and sat down.

"Where are jimin and taehyung hyung". "They both are still sleeping".

They had breakfast and soon vmin joined them too and today they have to go uni as they already had taken quite a lot of leaves already.

They got ready and jungkook also was ready, his study material has been repurchased by hyung and  yeah so he doesn't have to go back home to get those from there.

From that day everything was  good and jungkook was more than perfect now. Namjin are like his parents. They took care of his everything.

Taekook were also getting close but the thing was that taehyung knew he loves jungkook but jungkook always made him feel like jungkook doesn't like him or even think about him like that. He tried to give hints but everytime he would get rejected.

And for jungkook he thought that it was just tae being generous to him nothing  else he thought of himself as a pathetic person who is not good for anyone and doesn't deserve anything. But still is grateful for his hyungs for supporting him and loving him as he was.

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