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  After Jungkook and Mark's conversation about Mark's boyfriend they had decided to meet him the very day after their classes. So here jungkook is waiting for his hyungs to come so that he can tell them about his plan.

He was there with Mark and his friend Bam as kai went with his girlfriend for a small date. They were talking when jungkook saw hyungs coming and so he waved his hand towards them. "Hyungs meet them they are my class mates Bam and Mark" Hyungs looked their way and smiled. "We already know them they are boyfriends of my classmates" Namjoon said. "Oh really so you already know each other". " But jungkook I don't know him" Mark whispered to him. "Me neither" Bam agreed. "I know you both don't know me cause we never met before but I know your boyfriends they always talk about you and had shown your photos that's why I know and they also met others so they do too". Namjoon finished their confusion with his explanation. Understanding the situation they nodded their heads and it didn't took long enough for those two awaited boys to come.

"Hello baby" Jackson said and hugged his boyfie Bam. Same was done by Karm boyfriend of Mark. They had a great time together they spend it in a cafe. After about an hour they all separated their ways.

Jungkook was not sure why but he had been feeling a little sad when he got to know from his hyungs that taehyung had to leave early today cause of some work so he won't be spending time with them. But he just shrugged it off.

Next  day:

Jungkook was in his class room focusing on his lecture but then suddenly got startled when the announcement was made for all the students to gather in the auditorium for something. They all packed their things and stood up to go. "What it could be" Kai asked once he saw his friends along with jungkook near him for which they just shrugged in denial.

"Hello everyone good morning, today I have got you all gathered here in between your lecture is because I want to inform you all about the basketball match that we will be having after the mid examination and also that all the students will go through several matches to decide the best players and also after that we will be having a semi finale between the best and from those we will form a team which will play against the other college. So be prepared for this because this time we will have  strong competitors ok. Now you all can go back to your classes" .

Hearing this all the students were very excited and were extremely energized to win and be the most competitive one.

Jungkook was also excited. His happiness was doubled as he didn't had to give any exams but his hyungs did he felt sorry for them. He was walking back to his class with his friends. "I am soo much happy that we don't have any exams or anything I would have literally threw a bench at the principal's face for announcing and getting us excited for games when we are here in the middle of such a drastic situation" Bam said and other two agreed with him while jungkook just laughed.

Jungkook's day went by nicely only the part where he got to know that taehyung is not in the uni made him miss the other's presence but he didn't put his brain to it and just went to sleep.

A couple of days later:

The environment of uni was all hyped up as the practice matches were happening along with the seniors exams who were all trying their best to give their best in both exams and also game.

Jungkook was right now in the ground with his team playing against another team. In his team he had his friends along with his other classmates they were almost done with the game too and they were leading it cause they had some aces in the game soo it is understandable but the opposite team was also very good but not too much.

With one final kick the game was over  and everyone cheered out loud.  Jungkook went to a chair to get himself some rest. "Hey kook let's go and meet kai's girlfriend, she is a cheer leader and also we might get some nice guy or girl to meet" Mark said with a wink. "You already have a boyfriend mark should I ask him to remind you that" Jungkook said while wiping his sweat. "Don't be like that i know you know that he know I  only love him and also it's just for fun"Mark said in a whining tone.

"I am tired hyung i don't want to" Jungkook also whined. "Comon..comon..comon.. ". Mark persuaded. " Ok ok fine" Jungkook stood up and went with him.

Mark, a excited kai and two grumpy bam and jungkook were on their way towards the room where the girls were being trained for cheering.

"Baby hey" Kai shouted once he spotted his girlfriend. He run towards her and engulfed her in a bear hug. "Hey babe i am feeling suffocated" Jennie said. "Sorry love but i missed you soo much and you know we won the match" Kai said giving her peck. "Really I knew that you would win" Jennie said giving him her gummy smile.

"Well hello to you too Jennie maybe you haven't felt our presence" Mark said. "Oh hello Mark and to you too bam and you bunny boy". Bam nodded his head for her and jungkook looked her way with wide eyes once he heard her calling him a bunny boy. " My name is jungkook "jungkook said not wanting the girl to call him bunny boy again.

" Oh you're adorable "Jennie said squealing. "I know right he is indeed adorable I can't even get jealous cause it is not a lie I swear baby I might have chosen him if I met him before you as my partner" Kai said. "And i would have supported it" Jennie said. Their conversation was being highly judged by the other three boys.

But then jungkook's eyes roamed around the room and he saw a very familiar back. He sqintted  his eyes to remember who he was. And it was none other than Mr. Kim Taehyung with a girl he was wiping her sweat from her forehead.

And jungkook was feeling like to just do something to get her away from him or just remove her from the current situation. But he just shrugged it off and was about to look away but then he saw taehyung giving her the bright pretty smile and gritted his teeth after seeing the girl giving the same type to him.

He just looked away and focused on the conversation the group was having with Jennie about her practice . "Hey jen how ya doin" A new voice came from no where. "Hiii Lisa nothing just having a chat with the boys". " Ohh lala who is this cute bunny right here" Lisa said cooeing at jungkook. "My name is jungkook ". "Oh you're adorable I am sure my boogie will love you" She said with her pretty smile.

"Oh thank you Lisa shi " He said with a polite bow. "Aish oh my heart you are soo much polite call me noona" She said patting his head. "Oh ok noona".

They continued their conversation for some more time and soon  it was time for everyone to get back to their own works.  And for one last time jungkook took a glance at the spot he saw tae before but he was not there this time. 'So he didn't even greet me' jungkook thought and that was the thing that was eating him out from inside that the person who would annoy him till he had to smack his head or curse him is now not even acknowledging his existence.

Taehyung today too left early so he didn't got to meet him again. But unlike other days like he would he couldn't sleep that day only taehyung and that girls interaction was in his mind dancing all night.

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