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It has been 2 days since the message he had received from his father but nothing really happened in those days. Also he didn't told anyone about those messages as he thought it would just be his father trying to threaten him.

His hyungs were alright, he was alright nothing to worry about.

So here he was in his room doing his uni work.

He was almost done with it when his phone showed a notification. He opened it and gasped in shock. There was a photo of a man holding a knife secretly  inside his jacket while in front of him stood Minseo.

The photo was accompanied with a message that was.
'Now jungkook i am giving you another chance think wisely if you wanna lose your dear past lover or you wanna just accept your fate and come back to me'.

Jungkook didn't knew what to do now he can't let Minseo be in danger but he also can't go back to his father.

So he wrote.
'I will never come back to you and will also not let you hurt Minseo. Do you think I will get in your tricks and come back to you never, what power do you hold now and know one thing dad that I can get you behind the bars for what you have done to me, so you better watch out and not provoke me'.

He was about to shut down his phone when another text came.
'I see you have got a tongue now hmm, well you have lost your final chance too now whatever happens it will all be your fault'.

Jungkook's hands were shaking he didn't knew what he would do if his dad did something to Minseo.

He was almost having a panick attack but then he thought about calling Minseo and ask about his whereabouts.

"Hey Minseo where are you".
" Hello jungkook well I am out with suzy for a walk what about you what are you doing".
"Nothing just uni work, so enjoy your walk I will call you later".
" Yeah but was there any important work that you called me".
"Nah just it's been a while since we talked that's why, umm take  care of yourself Minseo make sure you are in a crowded place and be always alert of your surrounding ok"
"Ok but what happened"
"Nothing just  there might be thief or anything like that that's why".
"Hmm ok bye"

Jungkook cut the call and then leaned back on the bed. He just wished that nothing will happen to Minseo.

"Jungkook come down let's have dinner" Tae shouted and jungkook went downstairs.

"Today I made perilla oil buckwheat noodles" Tae said.

Jungkook nodded his head and sat down to eat and Taehyung looked confused at him.

"What happened jungkook  everything alright". "Yes hyung everything is good". "Then why didn't you complimented my food like you always do, do you not like these noodles". "It's not like that I an just soo much hungry that I just wanna eat first" Jungkook said with a big grin. "Then eat, I have made alot".

And that's how taekook had a delicious dinner together. Now  they both sat on the couch and were watching a movie but jungkook had his mind occupied with Minseo and his father's threats. Tae noticed it too but he knew jungkook won't tell him anything so he let it be but when they were going in their rooms tae turned around and said "jungkook know that anytime you feel like something is bothering you let me know I promise we will get out of it  together hmm". Jungkook smiled and nodded hai head. Tae came forward and gave a kiss on his forehead wishing a good night.

Jungkook was frozen but he again smiled and went to sleep.


Jungkook was in his classroom when his phone showed a notification, he didn't opened it then but at the break he had and now jungkook regretted not opening it.

Cause it had a video of a car getting hit by a truck. But what shook his soul was the person inside it, it was Minseo.

He saw how his face was covered in his own blood. He quickly called suzy to ask about it but her phone was off.

So he went to Minseo's house  which Minseo had given him address of.

He went there but there was no one present, the house was locked and now jungkook was even more worried about everything.

He went to the police station to know about the accident happened today but there too he got nothing.

After trying when he didn't got any clue or lead to Minseo. Jungkook went home. He was completely devastated.

He had just closed his door when his phone rang thinking it was suzy or Minseo he picked it up but the voice made him feel soo much vulnerable.

"Tsk tsk, what is the meaning of crying now son hmm, I have told you to do as I said but see what you have caused, now your dear friend is no more, just because you refused such an amazing deal but what can I do I have warned you but still... "

"NO it is not my fault you did it with him not me you killed him".

"That's where you are wrong son, I did nothing it was in your hands to save your friend but you chose yourself you became greedy and that is why you got this result. I can't even say in words how much of a sin you did, first your sexuality and then you killed your own friend it was you who should be dead not him, you are the cause of everyone's problem only if you would have died even before being borned it would have been better. But whatever you already lost him now let's see who you gonna lose next, oh and I also heard he had a girlfriend what was her name, oh yeah suzy".

Jungkook didn't said a word he just listened and he was completely broken at that time only thing in his mind was 'it was all his fault and he shouldn't have borned'.

Jungkook thought that he really is a curse on everyone's life, his phone slipped from his hand and smashed against the floor. Jungkook turned and went towards the kitchen.

He looked at the knifes placed there taking one of them he brought his hand up.

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