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Jungkook doesn't know when he woke up but for sure It wasn't the same day because he could hear some very faint voices from downstairs and from those he could make out that his father was back from his business trip, which was for 3 days and he had left on the day his mother had beat him mercilessly . So it had been 2 days since he has been unconscious and without any food or water.
He stood up from floor his body was already quite sore from beating and now the floor had caused stiffness in his body.
But still he got up and went to the bathroom. He got in tub after getting rid of his clothes he had a cold bath to just forget the pain which his body was feeling.
After taking shower he tried to open his door but it was locked so he sat back on the bed.
After sometime the door opened and he saw his father in there he thought that his father will come and comfort him but how wrong he was cause instead his father slapped him and jungkook fall down because of being weak.
His father came to his level and said "I never thought I was raising a disgust in my house. How can you be like this huh.. Listen here you shit if you dare to do anything like this ever again I swear I will kill you myself understood" His father left after this.

Even though his father didn't harmed him physical but mentally he was broken apart. He thought that maybe his father will understand him and if not that maybe he will not call him with those name. But it all was too much now he didn't know what else he could do he didn't have any other option instead of obeying them.

" I should not be a disappointment to them and a burden on them but what can I do I didn't choose to be like this it was never my choice I hate myself for being like this for being a disgust to them " Jungkook told himself while crying till his throat burned and then fell asleep.

At evening his mother came into his room and put the food in his room and then left. Jungkook got up from his bed and had his food even though it wasn't enough he didn't have any other option but to just sleep.
He doesn't even have his phone to call his hyungs who would come and get him out of there. He was just helplessly sitting in his room with tears falling down his eyes.
It was after sometime that he heard the doorbell ringing , he heard the door opening and the voice of the person who he soo badly wanted to have and be with his Namjoon hyung. As he heard Namjoon's voice he went near the door to hear the conversation more properly.
" Hello aunty, where is jungkook i haven't seen him nor got to contact him is he ok or is something wrong " Namjoon asked mrs jeon as soon as the door was opened he was hella worried for the younger. Mrs jeon looked at him and than with a fake smile said " Oh dear, he is not here he went to his grandma's house to visit her he won't be coming soon" ., "ok but why his phone is switched off? , " Namjoon asked. "Oh maybe because of bad network, you know country sides ,it is a common issue " She said. "Ok thank you aunty " Namjoon said and left even though he was feeling like something is wrong still he didn't said anything about it.
After hearing the sound of the door closing jungkook started crying his last hope also left he has tried to make noise so that his hyung would notice but to his dismay his father came at the moment and prevented him from doing anything like that.
Now he didn't know what to do. Everything was a mess in his life . No one wanted to love him show him affection no one but his hyungs.

After sitting for some more time and alot of thinking jungkook has finally decided what he wants to do now. He don't wanna be a burden on his family nor a worry some reason for his hyungs so he will do the only thing he thinks is good and that is to.......

.......... take his life away

LOVE YOU ALL MY DARLAS 💜🙃💜🙃💜🙃💜🙃💜🙃💜🙃💜🙃

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