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   {Messages will be inside [] these brackets}

A few days went by and Jungkooks Uni life was going great. Jungkook was in his room reading a book, when his mother entered his room and asked "Jungkook dear what are you doing?" "I am reading Mom why do you need my help?" "Ah no dear its just why doesnt Yumi visit us anymore did you two fought or what". "No mom nothing like that happened its just she is busy with her studies i also didnt got to talk with her ". "Oh ok but if you meet her tell her to visit us ok". Jungkook nodded his head.

His mother left and jungkook again began to do what he was doing. He was soo much emersed in reading that he didn't knew when it was already 1 at night. He put his book aside and then got ready to sleep when suddenly his phone ringed and he saw a message in group chat from non other than kim taehyung. [Hey is everyone asleep already'] Was the message. 'Is he crazy or what who would be still awake till now' jungkook thought. [What happened is everything alright? ] Jungkook asked. [Oh hello everything is alright I just wanted to have someone to talk to I was getting bored]. [Well if thats the case then bye].[wait where are you going].[well I am sleepy and also I have uni to attend tomorrow that too on time not like you getting late]. [I see being sassy but i don't mind if you keep chatting with me]. [Who said I am chatting with you I am going to sleep bye]. [Let's not disturb others we should chat privately ok]. Before jungkook could write more he got taehyung's message. 'Aish i told him I won't talk still he is being a jerk I am going to ignore him' jungkook thought.

But jungkook's all plans went in vein cause taehyung kept on messaging him and at last jungkook had to talk with him. [What the hell do you want I told you I ain't gonna chat i have to sleep]. [I want your company baby I am alone you know and i don't have anything to do]. [I am not interested in giving my company to anyone and also if you don't have anything to do then sleep cause I do have a lot of work to do tomorrow so i need my precious sleep ok now bye and DON'T YOU DARE MESSAGE ME]. With that jungkook muted taehyung and went to sleep but after about 5 minutes later his phone ringed and it was none other than kim taehyung.

Jungkook was oh so ready to throw his phone but he thought that his phone was way more precious so he just declined taehyung's call and again went to sleep. But again taehyung called him and jungkook picked it up "Listen here you lil piece of annoyance I am gonna block you if you call me once more and i.. " Taehyung cut him off in the middle. "Then I am going to call you on your telephone and if you cut it too I am gonna come over at your place and will keep you up all night I swear ". Jungkook was extremely baffled. "What the hell do you want"." I told you wanna have your company for some time and also I am older than you show me respect what is this lil piece of annoyance. I think you forgot your manners. I should teac... " "Hey stop it now I know my manners you don't have to teach me ok and it is you who should remember manners. You are keeping me up just because you want to talk with someone how could you be soo ridiculous".

"I ain't being ridiculous I am just a lonely person who wants to have someone who could listen to him without any disturbance but you, you are here calling me with names instead of having some sweet talks how heartless". Taehyung said in a dramatic tone. " Well I am heartless and if you are a lonely person  then just celebrate your loneliness and for sweet talks go talk with your girlfriend. I ain't your girlfriend ". Jungkook said kinda in a mocking tone.

" First of all I told you before too I am your hyung show me respect and second of all I don't have a girlfriend" Taehyung said the last sentence with shyness laced in his voice. Jungkook for sure cringed at that voice. And thats how they bickered the whole night even without having any topic but they secretly enjoyed their conversation.

Next day it was hard for both of them to wake up but still they managed and reached university. Their day went with jungkook constantly glaring at taehyung whenever they met. Well the reason we already know and hyungs do too after seeing the group chat messages and also the glare was enough for them to interpret everything.

On the other side Mrs. Jeon was out for some shopping when she noticed a very familiar figure and she kept on looking to know who is that person and what they were doing but she shouldn't have done it cause the very next moment she took hurried steps towards the person and she literally pulled the person away from  the other. "What the hell do you think you are doing here with him huh are you in your right mind or are you drunk or something" Mrs. Jeon angrily spat while squeezing the hand harshly. "Leave my hand it hurts" The person tried to get the hand freed but the grip was hard.

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