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Right now jungkook was in a corner wiping his tears glaring at everyone but more specifically at taehyung who was sitting on the couch looking anywhere but jungkook.

After pushing taehyung away he without saying anything started crying and when others tried to come near him he just stood up and sat in a corner and nobody knows why.

"jungkook baby calm down ok and come to hyung" jin said to which jungkook shook his head. "then let hyung come to you" he again asked and was denied once more.

"But what did we do bun that you are mad at us it was him who twisted your leg" yoongi said pointing at taehyung who looked at him with his wide eyes trying to show that he is innocent but yoongi ignored it.

"yo-u let him twist my leg, you all didn't stop him" jungkook said in a broken voice and damn even though they felt bad as jungkook was crying but he looked so cute at the moment that bam just wanted to twist his leg again and let him cry while he will watch him doing so.

"we didn't knew he was going to do that really it was unexpected also you heard us scream when he did it bun it was really horrifying for us too and dont worry about him I will punish him ok so come on bun get up and let's go out we can skip this lecture and go for some pastries" jimin talked to him sweetly and jungkook nodded his head slowly and got up went towards him, took his hand and then started going out while others followed behind but when taehyung stood up to go along he stoped him and said"you will not come anywhere near me stay away" and left.

Taehyung felt a little hurt and looked down when his phone showed a notification he opened and saw a message from jimin 'I will bring you some pastries so stop sulking and go to class and you better take notes I will be needing them later' reading it he smiled and left from there and yes he was not guilty for jungkook as he had to do that otherwise the pain would have gotten worse so yeah.


  A couple of days have went by and jungkook was mad at taehyung but once taehyung had apologised to him he forgave him with a promise to never do it ever again cause jungkook also knew what taehyung did was not wrong and he is also thankful to him as if his parents knew about it they would have scolded him quite nicely.

Right now they were all coming out of their class room as the classes were over and were heading home. Jungkook was waiting for his hyungs who came not too later.

"Jungkook tomorrow we are going to shopping so be ready at 1 in afternoon first we will watch movie than shop and than we will play some fun games and finally have a happy dinner together" Hobi said.

Jungkook didn't know if his parents would allow him or not so he was hesitant to agree but looking at hobi's excited face and that smile he also smiled and nodded his head.

They chatted for a bit and than they parted their ways.

Jungkook was now in his room preparing himself for the damage he will face if his parents refuse to agree. He took a deep breath and then went downstairs to see that there was only his father in the hall on a phone call.

"Yes Mr.Frank we will be there ok of course how could we not attend your sons wedding yeah sure thank you" with this his father cut the call.

He turned back and saw jungkook and said "Me and your mom are going to attend a wedding we won't be back till overmorrow".  "Ok when are you both leaving". "In about two hours" with saying that he left from there.

Jungkook was soo much happy internally now he don't have to worry about anything and so he could go and be with his hyungs.


Jungkook was all ready as he was told to by 1 and was waiting for his hyung to pick him up. Soon a horn was heard and he went out to see that it was them, he locked his house and went towards the car.

"Hop in jungkook" Hobi said and jungkook opened the back door to sit and saw that jimin was also at the back as yoongi was beside hope.

"Are you excited bunny boy" Jimin asked and he nodded his head. "Which movie genre do you prefer" he further asked. "I prefer all but i literelly love horror" hearing that jimin squeld and said "wow I love them too but still I am little bit of scared of them though specially the jump scares". "But it should also have a nice story not like something without sense there should be amazing story , effects, cast,etc"Jungkook replied and jimin nodded his head.

On whole ride Jungkook and Jimin kept on talking about their favourite things and other matters.

Once they were at the mall they did what they have planned for the day, first movies which was enjoyed by everyone along with horrified screams of hope and jin, then they did shopping getting lots of stuff and then finally were back at home to prepare food.

Once everyone had food they all sat in the garden of Hope's house. "So what should we play now" Jimin asked. "Well I have this thought of telling stories about the incidents happened with us in our life" Tae said.

"Not bad let's play it cause I have a lot" Namjoon said.

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