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Well Taehyung's clumsy self got him injured by hitting it in the table near the window but to his surprise Jungkook did not woke up, so he went towards his bed and without making any noise he sat on it carefully and observed Jungkook's peaceful face but to his dismay jungkook buried his face in the pillow and so Taehyung laid down besides him to get a look of his face and again started admiring him when he noticed the dried spots of tears on his face and he was not happy with that fact at all he felt anger but also felt like crying cause his sweet baby boy cried.

Jungkook stirred in his sleep and slowly opened his eyes when he felt like someone was beside him and also the smell of the person was familiar too. So he opened his eyes and screamed because of the face which was just few inches away from him and also Taehyung screamed too.

Because of their screams jungkook's parents woke up and hurriedly walked towards jungkook's room. "What happened jungkook why are you shouting open you door" Mr. Jeon said. Hearing his father's voice Jungkook pushed Taehyung in the bathroom and quickly opened the door.

"What happened? " Mrs. Jeon asked. "Mom actually I saw a cockroach on the mirror and that's why I screamed" Jungkook said with a scared face. The couple sighed at this. "Why would you get scared of such a small creature you disturbed our sleep".Mr.jeon said. "Sorry dad"jungkook said and then they both left from there.

Jungkook took a deep breath and locked the door again. He went towards the bathroom to let Taehyung out but the view he saw made him want to kill Taehyung right then and there. "What the hell do you think you're doing Mr. Kim". " Oh I didn't knew you lose your eye sight at night Mr. Jeon well to let you know I am taking care of myself cause unlike you for me my skin is precious". "Well to let you know Mr. Kim you are at MY house, in MY room and the things you are using are also MINE". "So,what if they are yours as you are the reason for why I am here". " Well would you please enlighten me how I am the reason for your very presence in MY room". "First stop emphasizing my ok and second of course sweety I will give you the whole explanation. So it started with you not messaging me nor calling me like we used to do and when I called you your phone was off. So I thought why not pay you a visit"Taehyung said after applying the moisturizer on his face and walked towards Jungkook and in very seriously serious tone asked "Now tell me why were you crying hmm".

Jungkook can't seem to maintain the eye contact so he looked down but Taehyung made him look up and again asked the same question but jungkook just shooked his head. He knew if he will lie than Taehyung will keep on bugging him so he said a pretty smart lie. " I was watching a drama and that had a sad ending and I ended up crying" He said with a pout. "Then you should stop watching those ok I don't want to see you crying ever again".

Jungkook looked at him with unexplainable feelings which he himself didn't knew but Taehyung's words did made him feel happiness. But he changed the topic " It's quite late you should go back now other wise you will be sleepy in class tomorrow ". " You're right but I don't wanna leave you soo soon and want to spend some more time with you". Jungkook just sighed and they both came out of the bathroom.

Currently jungkook was standing near the bed while Taehyung was rolling all over it. "Are you a kid or what sit straight". " Why it feels nice to do this on bed". He again rolled but this time jungkook grabbed his leg and pulled it causing Taehyung to fall down from the bed and then he sat in it, while Taehyung was rolling on the floor with a pout showing jungkook that he was hurt by his actions.

Their drama went on for some more time and now it was time for Taehyung to leave which he didn't wanted to but at last he did when jungkook threatened him to steal his favorite clothes from him.

Taehyung successful climbed down from there and when he was walking away from there he gave flying kiss and a wink to jungkook who blushed but Taehyung couldn't see it. But as we know Kim Taehyung his clumsy self by mistake put his leg on the road side dog who was woken up from his precious sleep. He glared at Taehyung while Taehyung gave him pleading looks but the dog didn't took his pleading and started running while barking at him and Taehyung ran for his dear life he was almost got caught by the dog but lucky him his car was near and he hurriedly ran towards it then started making circles to open his car and once it did he sat in and fled with his car. Jungkook was laughing his ass off though he was worried for him still it was fun to watch.

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