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Finally the day of jungkook's result came and he was extremely excited for that. Only his mother was with him as his dad went to attend a very important meeting.

There were still some minutes for his result to come out. Soon the wait was over and jungkook immediately logged in and saw his result he was soo much happy by his result he got 97% and for the first time after that incident that his mother hugged him and was happy cause of him. He called his hyungs and told them about his result they were happy for him and promised a party too.

In evening when his father came he told him about his result and he was also very much happy they had a very pleasant dinner that night. And his parents also wished jungkook good night. Jungkook was extremely happy that day. He went to sleep with a big smile on his face.

Next day he went for work and every one congratulated him for his success. They did mini party after work along with his now like a sister girl. "Oppa you are a genius will you please help me in my studies I am gonna have my exams soon so please help me". She said with a cute pout. "Ok I will help you but I also want you to learn the basic things first and wherever you feel like you are having a hard time ask me" . She nodded.

When jungkook went home he saw his parents were all dressed up and he thought that they might be leaving for some work or some business party but he was surprised when they told him that they are going in a restaurant for dinner that night. He quickly went in his room and got changed.

They decided to have Italian food for dinner and they did enjoyed it alot.

After having dinner they were back at home and after biding good night they went to sleep.

A few days went by and jungkook was happy with his parents behavior but also sad that he did not got to meet his hyungs cause of the work and also he did  not wanted to upset his parents.

Today was the day for jungkook's entrance exams and he was well prepared for them. His mother was the one who dropped him off and he was right now in his classroom getting ready for the bell to ring so he can start writing. The bell rang and he started writing and he finished 15 minutes earlier so after giving his paper to the teacher he left. He had time till his mother  come and pick him up so he started wondering around when he heard a very familiar voice. "Oppa hello ". "Huh what are you doing here aren't are you supposed to be in your school? " Jungkook asked to his sister. "Well today my school gave a early leave  cause of some issues so i came to meet you. How was your paper oppa was it hard or easy? " "Well I was well prepared so it was easy for me but for some it might have been hard". " Oh my genius oppa". They were talking when jungkook's name was again called and this time it was his mother. He bid goodbye to her and left with his mother who was looking in their direction intently.

Jungkook told his mom about his paper and she appreciated his work. Soon they reached their house and jungkook went in his room got changed called his hyungs told them about his paper and then went to have his lunch.

It was after somedays when Yumi his sister called him asking for his help in some topics he was on call with her for quite a while and he was so indulged that he didn't heard his mom entering and she was just standing there observing him with a smile. She left from there and told her husband about everything.

After few days jungkook was sitting in his room and he got a call from Yumi he picked it up. It was quite common for him to get her calls as she often needs his help. But that day Yumi requested him to teach her maths which was hard to teach on call but still he tried but all went in vain when she did not understood anything so he asked her if he could come there and teach her but she refused saying her parents will think different about them so she proposed to come over at his place and she can tell her parents that she went at her friend's house jungkook was hesitate but agreed.

He went downstairs to get permission from his parents and to his surprise they agreed too. Yumi came and they greeted her and jungkook's mother was very much friendly with her too.

They both went in jungkook's room getting ready to start studying. "Your parents seems different than what you told me oppa is it cause they are good actors or am I too naive to notice their mischieve"." Well for sure they are great actors and also you are also naive". Yes Jungkook told about his life to Yumi and he is greatful that she did not judge him nor said anything harsh for his sexuality but she supported him and also would always bring some random boys photo to show him for which jungkook would completely ignore her.

Right now they studied almost all night as Yumi was having her exams day after tomorrow and she wanted to cover up everything so she won't have to worry later on.

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