Optimus has Tea (Pt.2)

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"Wheeljack is visiting soon. He didn't say why. Seemed mad though, said he needed to talk to you in person?"
Optimus froze as Ratchet reported his latest check in with Wheeljack.
"I- Ok..."
Ratchet raised an eyebrow ridge, confused at the Primes nervousness.
"Ok then..."

Optimus turned and walked away, already thinking of what he was going to have to say to get out of trouble with the Wrecker.
Getting on Wheeljacks bad terms when you aren't Ultra Magnus is bad. Very bad. Pranks, 'malfunctions' of your tech, random terrifying inventions in your room and deleted reports bad. He hasn't done worse yet but he could easily do so.

Ultra Magnus seemed to always get away with little to nothing, which perplexed everyone else that noticed. Heck, Wheeljack even fixes up his ship! Although that might just be because Wheeljack sorely misses his own ship, The Jackhammer. If they had the materials, Wheeljack probably would have built another one.
Honestly, the things Wheeljack could do was terrifying. And right now, Wheeljack is mad. At Optimus.
This isn't going to end well.

*Time Skip to like a few days later 'cuz nothing happens*

"Arcee! Did you know that-"
"Yes I know that Wheeljack is coming. We all know he is coming. You've told us all like a gazillion times." Arcee interrupted Bulkhead with a glare, smirking when he cowered away.
"C'mon Arcee! He can be excited, His boyfriend is coming to town!" Miko insisted from the human area. Optimus eyed her with a mild glare, he had been doing this since he got the news that Wheeljack had found out what he had told her and the other two boys. It didn't take long to realise it was the hyperactive girl that had told him so ever since, the Prime had glared at her. So far nobody had noticed. At least as far as he knew.

"It's annoying though, we know Wheeljacks' is gonna come here. He does this EVERY time!" Arcee rolled her eyes and walked off.
Bulkhead looked downcast for a few seconds before perking back up when a Beep sounded from the computer.
Ratchet growled and hit the computer as the screen glitched in and out of static.
"S'good thing he's coming when he is. This bloody computer is making me want to kill someone." Ratchet mumbled, only just being heard by the three surrounding people.
Miko immedietly understood and started laughing, making Optimus glare harder, while Bulkhead looked horrified.
"You can't kill Wheeljack!"
It was a good thing that Ratchet spoke with double meanings, otherwise everyone's secrets would have been revealed years ago!

Optimus decided not to be in the same room when Wheeljack arrived. Well, he decided he didn't want to. Of course, he had to be there to welcome Wheeljack because people would get suspicious if he didn't.
So he waited anxiously as the groundbridge opened and Bulkhead went to say Hi to his friend. (and whatever other greeting ritual they do because let's face it, they're both weird as heck)
A few minutes later the two Wreckers entered the base, Wheeljack walking forwards with his usual aura of arrogance as if he was here for nothing more than a check up.
Optimus could feel his nerves getting the best of him as Wheeljack walked over.
"Prime." The bot nodded and held out a servo to said Prime.
Optimus didn't have time to inspect Wheeljack for any pranks before he was forced to shake hands. He braced for something to happen.
A second passed.
Then two.
Optimus relaxed, convinced that the prank would have happened by now. Besides, Wheeljack was already beginning to let go!

He was wrong.

Just as Optimus relaxed a shock of electric current jolted him backwards a few steps with a loud POP! It didn't hurt particularly, just stung like a static electricity shock. He heard Ultra Magnus immedietly jump onto Wheeljack like a hawk. That may have been the fastest anyone had ever gotten a lecture after joining.
He looked up to Wheeljacks face to see he was smirking like he usually did, nothing was different than what he usually was like other than the fact that the Wrecker was still staring intently into The Primes optics. When their optics met, Wheeljack's gaze darkened and an almost evil look flashed across his face. Intentions clear, he turned on his heel and walked away, leaving Ultra Magnus insisting he come back and Optimus absolutely terrified.

As everyone slowly filtered out the room with remarks about disrespect, Optimus sighed.
He waited until everyone except for a certain girl had left before turning around and walking over to her, letting his gaze darken as he approached.
Miko gulped loudly as the Prime got closer and backed away.
"Uh- h-hi?"
Optimus glared.
"What did you tell him."
Miko giggled nervously.
"What. Did. You. Tell. Him."
Miko stopped giggling when she realised how much trouble she was in.

Optimus sighed and turned away, beginning to leave with a plan to put his servo in ice water. It was starting to burn.
"Wait! I told him that you told us that he was smart! I didn't go into TOO much detail! Only that you said he built the groundbridge and fixed the computer!"
Optimus paused and narrowed his optics at the wall. He wasn't sure wether he should be mad or not.
"Telling him anything was too much."
He left.

The next few days constantly put Optimus on edge. Wether it was Wheeljack brushing past him in the hall or the snickers he could hear from the Wrecker when he had his back turned, he couldn't relax.
Every time he entered a room he got the sinking feeling that something was going to attack him.
Every time Wheeljack walked past he felt like the Wrecker was going to pull a prank.
But nothing happened.
It had been a few days after Wheeljack arrived, and nothing had happened.

Right now Optimus was sat in the main room after a particularly anxiety ridden day, trying to gather the courage to confront Wheeljack.
It was mostly silent bar Miko and Jack whispering to each other despite most bots being there which made it even harder for Optimus to stop being scared.
He could feel Ratchet glancing at him every now and again while he worked, worried about the anxious state the Prime had been in for the last week.
Ratchet knew Optimus well enough to know that something was terribly wrong.
Jack screaming broke the silence and everyone jumped.
Miko looked torn between laughing and being terrified at the sudden screaming.
"What?" Arcee questioned, walking over to the two.
"MIKO TOLD WH- Miko told a secret to someone and then told them who said the secret and now the person is mad at the Secret Person."


"What?" Arcee asked again.
Jack sighed, probably trying to think of a better way to explain it.
As he started again Optimus walked away, planning to leave without anyone noticing.
At the time he was so caught up in his thoughts that he hadn't paid attention to who was in the room. If he had, he wouldn't have left.
The only person not in the room was Wheeljack.
Oh no.

Optimus didn't notice this, he only noticed Jack trying to explain.
"Well, Secret Person told Miko a Secret and Miko told Secret About Person who the secret was about. Now Secret About Person is angry at Secret Person and Secret Person has noticed and has been on edge for ages."
It took a few seconds for everyone to process this.
"But who's the Secret Person? And who's the Secret About Person?" Bumblebee asked, clearly interested as Raf quickly translated.
"Can't tell you."

Wheeljack hid in the shadows as Optimus went past. He grinned at the nervous look on the Primes face.
"Go time."
Optimus paused, tensing when he felt the now-familiar feeling that something was about to happen.
For the first time in multiple days, he was right.

Aight, time to say sorry about dissapearing for five months.
I am very sorry.
I'm also sorry if this sucks.
I'm also sorry for leaving it on a cliffhanger but if I don't post it now then I will lost motivation again and probably dissapear for another month.
Also do y'all wanna see Roadman Ratchet traumatise Raf because I find the idea hilarious.

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