History repeats itself

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"Ahh!" The data clerk cried, with earned Ratchets attention back. The medic turned in his chair to see the clerk had tripped, face planted, sending all the datapads everywhere on the floor- Through bad and through worse

My Comment-

*Near the end of the war*

The base was quite silent apart from the bots occasionally picking up small stacks of data pads and imitating Ratchet, who could not care less.
The kids were sat on the couch bored out of their minds until Miko suddenly sat up and yelled
"I am bored let's do something!" She jumped up and tried to pick up a data pad that was in the human area for some reason.
"Miko, What are you doing?" Jack asked in concern, Bulkhead and Raf nodding in agreement looking just as concerned for the girls sanity.
"I am trying to move this so we can make big stacks of data pads and then push them over!" Miko replied while straining to pick up said data pad and failing to.
"Um, I guess we could do that?" Bulkhead said looking over at Ratchet who was researching something.
"If you shut up then fine." The medic said as if they had been screeching like birds a moment before.
"YES! Let's go go goo!" Miko shouted happily and dragged the two other humans to the data pad and forced them to help pick it up.
After much straining they managed to pick it up and pass it to Arcee who had just finished stacking four datapads on the wall nearby.
The kids turned to the datapads they needed to move to the other wall and groaned when they saw how many there were. But luckily, at that very moment Optimus walked in, unsuspecting of what he was now having to do.
"Optimus! Can you help us?" Miko and Raf pleaded at the leader.
Said leader looked confused as they said that,
"You do not seem to be needing help?"
He said questioningly
"Well we need help stacking data pads,  Can you help us?!" Raf asked causing a dry laugh to come from the medic
"I am sure he can! Optimus is quite the expert at data pad stacking!" He said causing the children to look at Optimus then Ratchet in confusion.
"Well, now I think of it, you were not actually the best at it... " Ratchet then said thoughtfully before shrugging and going on with his work. The kids shrugged too and looked back at Optimus pleasingly.
"Well I am sure it would do no harm" Optimus said with a quiet sigh and turned to where the datapads are, getting a cheer from the kids behind him.

"Optimus began moving the data pads, slowly stacking more and more until it was almost blocking his view of the base,
"Uh boss, can you carry these for me?"
Bulkhead asked
"Of course Bulkhead..." Optimus answered, getting another massive stack of data pads that now towered over his helm and reminded him of the times he had to walk about like this as a clerk.

"Woah, look how many Optimus has!" Miko whispered to the other kids and overheard by Ratchet.
The medic turned to see and didn't look at all surprised as he saw what Optimus was now balancing.
"Wait, how are you balancing them so well? I mean, I can barely balance four?!" Bumblebee buzzed in awe.
"Practice." Was all Optimus said as he continued walking to the other side, he easily walked three quarters of the way with the other bots now trying to balance their own ones before Ratchet started talking

"Careful with those, remember what happened last time." Ratchet said with a small smirk as he remembered how the two had met. The kids and bots looked at Ratchet confused for what seemed like the billionth time that day before looking at each other.
Optimus froze at the mention of the past and lost his balance of the data pads and his own. He toppled over quickly and spilt the data pads everywhere before practically face planting the floor.
The others bar Ratchet stared in shock as Optimus for up onto his knees and looked at Ratchet seemingly annoyed.

"Well I was too late... But you know that saying, History always repeats itself!" Ratchet remarked loudly to the shock of the others.
"What?!" Arcee said incredulously, "This has happened before?!"

"Yes it was-" Ratchet was cut off by a flying Data pad hitting his in the faceplates and he turned to Optimus looking offended.
The Autobot leader was now collecting the data pads again and seemed to be smirking as he balanced them again and stacked them on the wall.
"It's a good thing I didn't kill you with a wrench in history!" Ratchet grumbled while the other bots just stared at them in shock.

"So Ratchet throws Wrenches and Optimus throws data pads..." Miko said,

"It all has to do with your past!" Ratchet said one last comment before having an entire stack of data pads flung into his face and pushed him off his chair and onto the floor, hard.
When they turned to Optimus he was only standing there with crossed arms and a hidden smirk.

"Wow, Optimus has a savage side!"

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