Optimus×Ratchet pt 2

777 18 18

Pt 2 requested by @leslieaguila

The cell door crashed open with a bang. Ratchet and Optimus woke with a jump and slid out of the position they had fallen asleep in.
"Who's there?" Ratchet asked groggily, trying to remember what he was doing there.
Optimus looked down to see the energon cuffs had also opened with the cell door.
The piercing cold was still there so Optimus stood and grabbed Ratchet before walking forwards to the door hesitantly.
Looking out he saw there was nobot anywhere in sight and carried on with Ratchet still stumbling behind him as he was almost dragged down the corridor by the Prime.

Ratchet blinked hard in attempt to remember what was happening and it all came back to him in a flash.

Megatron snatched up the medic-
He was now a living shield-
Optimus came running over-
Megatron grabbed Optimus and stepped backwards into the groundbridge-
They were in a cell-
It was cold-
He confessed his feelings-
Optimus returned them-
They fell asleep, Optimus holding Ratchet to stop him freezing-

Ratchet gasped as the memories flooded back,
They were on the Decepticon warship.

Optimus paused and looked to Ratchet worriedly as he gasped,
"Are you alright?" He asked, anxious about whether he had hurt the medic.
"Hm? Oh yes yes I am fine!" Ratchet lied, trying to impress Optimus by being unproblematic.

Optimus frowned but carried on nonetheless with Ratchet following close behind.
The medic was reeling with confusion and emotion, he became lost in his thoughts unintentionally.

Optimus liked him?
- No I have to focus on the decepticons
-Decepticon warship
But Opt-
He was on the decepticon warship,
He likes me and I like him!
-We have already classified that now-
Optimus Prime, loves me?
He loves me-
The mission...
That I am doing with Optimus Prime-
-Ugh I give up... You are such a fanboy...

Optimus paused and looked at Ratchet again, he seemed to be snickering to himself about something.
"Old Friend?"
Ratchet jumped and shout whispered
"Decepticon Warship!" before clamping his servo round his mouth in horror.
"Yes... We are on the Decepticon warship..."
Ratchet huffed and inwardly groaned at himself, he was lovesick...

Optimus was really worried now, Ratchet was acting completely different and he was worried it was because of his wounds, or that they had both confessed their love last night.
The Prime snapped out of it and pulled Ratchet again to the door of the main room, there were loud crashes coming from in there along with some shouting.
He shoved Ratchet into a dark cupboard and ordered him to stay there until he came back before running off to the door that was bow open and revealed the battle happening in there.

He slid his guard over his mouth and his weapons out before charging in and punching Megatron off Arcee.
"Boss is back!" Bulkhead shouted and continued to smash Breakdown into a wall.

Meanwhile in the cupboard...

Ratchet laughed quietly to himself,

I love him,
-I am aware of that
He loves me,
-I am also aware of that
What if he...
Doesn't love me
-But he does...
But what if he doesn't...
-He loves us
But what if-
But what if he meant it as a friend?
He didn't did he!
He doesn't love me...
-*Loud sighing* He told us he loved us...
But he hates me...
-Optimus does not hate us
What if he does?
-*Frustrated groan*
Optimus Prime
-What about him?
He's a Prime
His name is Optimus
-We know this?
I like him...

And with that, Ratchet fell into recharge due to lack of energon.

Back in the control room:

Optimus ducked as Megatron threw a punch and side kicked the warlord away from him, leaving space for an eradicon to run in and barrel at him.
Optimus ran his sword through the con and threw him into another three coming his way.
"AUTOBOTS! Stand down." He ordered and ran out the door with the others to the cupboard. The other Autobots were holding the control room door closed as he opened the cupboard and revealed the medic, recharging.

Sighing the Prime went to pick Ratchet up but accidentally woke him up.
"Woah hi!" Ratchet said woosily and Optimus picked him up again as he was obviously unable to walk.
He turned and started walking to the groundbridge that had just opened that was identified as their own.

He walked through and stepped to the side as the other Autobots flew through it at literally 120 miles per hour.
They rolled on the floor before landing in their pedes and Raf closed the ground bridge.
Optimus walked straight to the medbay as the others started exclaiming loudly to each other.

Grabbing an energon cube he gave it to Ratchet. The medic proceeded to dump it all over himself in the two seconds he had held it for.
Sighing for what seemed to be the billionth time Optimus gave a second cube to Ratchet and guided it to the Medics mouth. This time Ratchet drunk the entire cube and promptly fell into recharge again.

"I sometime wonder why I love you." Optimus said as he smiled under his mouth guard and shook his helm.
He stood up and walked into the main room after he recovered and explained that Ratchet was alright.

-He loves you!
Go back to Ratchet Solus.

Nervous laughing.
Um, Sorry for the massive gaps in the posting thingies...

Solus: Let me take over-
Solus: What Author means is she has been inconsistent with her updates and would like to apologize.

Author: Yes That is what I meant.

Solus: And she would like to say that Optimus and Ratchet are the perfect ship.


Anyway sorry about the inconsistent updates...

You sure can tell who the ultimate Ratchet and Optimus shipper is...

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