Oneshot- Facebook Part Two

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Jack hid nervously behind one of the many massive walls in the Autobot base. Ratchet had been searching for him in many spaces for the last half an hour, but not being able to access the vents where the teenage boy had hidden.
"Where are you Jack?" Ratchet said angrily, seeming very overprotective of Optimus at the moment.
"Come out and I will consider not killing you..."

Jack gulped loudly before clasping a hand against his mouth in horror. The ground started to shake as the doctor approached until Jack could sense Ratchet right around the corner, the hair on his neck prickling in fear.

A shadow swept over the wall as Ratchet spun round the corner, his orange and white paint job no longer light and his optics were angry, more than they were before anyway.
"There you are." He said while summoning a wrench to his hand somehow,
"I have been looking for you." He reached down and plucked Jack right of the floor as if he were a flower in a field and walked down the corridor with Jack holding on for his life.

In a short period of time they had reached the main part of base but Ratchet didn't stop and walked into the med bay instead!
"Jack you do know that you just insulted our leader?" Ratchet said sternly, " and that you did so by throwing the past, that is very painful for Optimus and I, in his face?"

Jack looked down in a newfound wave of shame, he hadn't wanted to hurt the Autobot leader in any shape way or form.
"Sorry," He mumbled only loud enough for Ratchet to hear a whisper.
"What did you say?" Ratchet said with a hint of malice.
"I said Sorry." Jack mumbled again but louder.
"I AM SORRY FOR INSULTING OPTIMUS!" Jack finally shouted in a rage and jumped from the medics servo to the berth.

Silence had settled unnervingly between them in the few seconds after Jack had shouted, bringing him to a realisation.
"Why were you so overprotective of Optimus about him and Megatron dating?" Jack said as if taunting Ratchet.
Said Bot froze and looked uncomfortable.
"They actually used to date before the war!" Ratchet blurted out before looking genuinely horrified with himself.

Jack was shocked to the core, he had wanted to hear that Ratchet had a crush on Optimus or something  that would help annoy the medic but this?!
"I- um," Ratchet spluttered before straightening up and saying,
"No word to anyone you understand!"
Jack nodded vigorously before sprinting away and into the human 'area' without looking back to see if Ratchet had followed.
"JACK what happened?" Pf course it was Miko.
"I don't want to talk about it..."
"Come on!"

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