OOTP // 2 - Black in Hogwarts

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Altair wore his black jacket with a hood in it and unfortunately, Sirius can't leave the house since he is still wanted by the Ministry. Remus Lupin was the one who accompanied the kids toward the platform and gave them quick hugs. Before he went onto the train, Remus quickly stopped the young Black.

"Altair." He called which made the young boy look at him. "You be careful alright? Whatever happens, don't let anyone get into your head. And, you really must be friends with Harry. They're good people."

"Don't worry Uncle Remus. I can manage." He gave him a small grin. "For sure he told you that, right?"

"You know him, he worries too much. Especially since you'll be at Hogwarts. He kind of expected that you might not receive good treatment from the other students, knowing your familial lineage." He explained but still patted Altair's back. "Your Mum also told me that. Just write her if anything happens alright?"

"I'm a grown-up now, Uncle. Tell them to not worry." He assured him. "I'll also try to help Harry, that's also what he said."

"He knows you'll do good, Altair." Remus gave him the last hug. "Off you go."

"Thanks, Uncle Remus." He said and hopped inside the express.

Students were looking at him, some are anxious while some are a bit indifferent... Some are well, normal. Kind of. The stares are too much to bear. He can't help but read their thoughts.

'Doesn't he look familiar?'

'He's a Black.'

Then he found Harry alone in his compartment. Hermione and Ron are both prefects, so possibly they're in the prefects' compartment of the train. He saw him and opened the door. "Altair? Right?

"Y-yeah. Harry. Hi." He greeted him and went inside his compartment.

He closed the door and gestured for him to seat opposite next to him. Altair nodded and sat down.

"You're Sirius' nephew. Means that you're technically my family since he is my godfather." Harry said and smiled a bit. "Why haven't you shown yourself way back in the house? Hermione and I are dying to meet you, know that?"

"I just don't want you guys to get uncomfortable. Knowing that I'm a son of a death eater." He chuckled a little and sighed. "You're not scared of me, are you?"

He shook his head in disagreement. "No. Your father may be Voldemort's follower, but you are not. So why would I get scared of you?"

"That's good to know. And Harry, I believe you about him being back. Uncle Sirius told me everything, and you know what..." He deeply sighed and looked him straight in his eyes. "I'm going to help you."

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