DH // 49 - The Malfoy Manor

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"That treacherous old bleeder! Is there no one we can trust!?" Ron bellowed as he dusted his clothes after that escape.

"I thought they already had us." Altair panted; his adrenaline was still there. "That was close."

"They've kidnapped Luna because he supported me," Harry said softly at Ron. "He was just desperate."

Hermione walked towards Altair who was still huffing about earlier. "Love, are you okay?"

"I thought I would lose you. They were too many." He said and held her hand. "That's why Xenophilius was acting strange while we were there and why I can't read him. He was clouded with thoughts about Luna and the Death Eaters."

"He's worried." She told him and rubbed his shoulder. "Any parent would do that in desperate times. Just like what Harry said."

"I understand him. He only wanted for his daughter to be saved." He smiled a bit.

They wandered a bit in the forest as Ron says nothing, then spit on the ground, clearing the grit from his teeth, and peers toward the river. Unlike the raging force, it was the last time they were here; it is little more than a trickle now. The trees are eerily quiet.

"I'll do the enchantments." He told them.

Altair sensed that they are not alone in the area. There were people, lurking around the forest.

"We're not alone..." He told them which made Harry look at him.

Ron takes out his wand as Hermione raises her hand. And Altair is right... They are not alone... Clinging to the branches of the trees above, almost as if part of the trees themselves are the snatchers...

A wand blooms above which illuminates the face of Scabior. Hermione's red scarf, now faded and filthy, dangles from his neck. He presses it to his grimy nose, inhales, and grins.

"Hello, beautiful..." The head snatcher said to her.

"Run!" Altair shouted as the four of them quickly dashed out of the woods, away from their reach.

The four of them hurriedly ran through the trees as the other snatchers tried to chase them. Hermione was swift as a wind flickers through the trees as Scabior pursues her. Altair felt rage on it as he charged a spell to slow him down.

The young Black was impressively bolting through the logs, leaping over them effortlessly but still not leaving Hermione in his sight as a snatcher was trying to reach him.

Harry slashes through the river, looks up, and sees a Snatcher leap across the divide from one tree to another.

Ron pounds through thick brush, over a fallen tree. The forest grows denser, and the shadows thicken. Spells splinter through the trees, and ropes of light lace the night.

The bushy browned-haired girl stumbles but regained her footing as Altair covered her up from the chasing snatchers as they reached a clearing. Another figure pelted towards them, it was Harry followed by Ron.

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