OOTP // 14 - Department of Mysteries

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The three of them were walking down the wooden bridge and saw Ron and the others as well.

"How'd you get away?" Hermione asked them.

"Puking Pastilles. It wasn't pretty." Ginny told her.

"Told them I was hungry, wanted some sweets," Ron said to them. "Altair gave me a bunch last time, and luckily, I brought some of it a while ago. Might come in handy. They told me to bugger off and ate the lot themselves."

"That was clever, Ron." She praised him and looked at Altair. "You gave him those?"

"Yeah. I remember that night, told him that maybe he should use it on Malfoy and his goons. And that moment was right on." The young Black smiled and Ron high-fived him.

"Has been known to happen." Ron shrugged.

"It was brilliant!" Neville commended. "So? How are we getting to London?"

Harry then looked at them, trying to be careful with the words he'll say. "Look, it's not that I don't appreciate everything you've done, all of you... but I've got you into enough trouble as it is."

"Are we going to talk about this again, Harry?" Altair spoke in an irritated manner. "I get that you don't want the others to be involved, but at least let me go with you. He is my uncle, my family as well. And I wanted to make sure he's alright."

The Potter boy nodded. "Fine, Altair you can come with me. The rest of you... please do understand my decision."

As the both of them started walking out, Neville spoke. "Dumbledore's Army's supposed to be about doing something real. Or was that all just words to the both of you?"

"Maybe you don't have to do all of this by yourselves, mates," Ron added.

Harry and Altair both looked at each other, and back at them.

"So how are we going to get to London?" Harry asked them.

"We fly, of, course." Luna immediately spoke.

The Ravenclaw girl led them to the Forbidden Forest, where the thestrals are. They counted all of them, and there are only 6 of them.

"Alright. Is anyone here have a bit of fear, or dislike about flying?" Altair asked them. "One could ride with me."

"Hermione is not a good flyer and she kind of has a dislike about flying too," Ron said which made the bushy browned-haired girl nudge him hard on his arm. "Ow! It's true!"

"It's settled then. We all have our thestrals, except Hermione who will be riding with Altair." Harry told them. "Let's go now!"

They all hopped onto the back of the thestral as Altair helped her ride behind him.

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