DH // 37 - Almost Dead

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Hermione arrived at the Burrow safely and rushed inside the house to see if Altair and the others already arrived. Harry and Hagrid are already there, as well as Fred, Mr. Weasley, and George who seemed to be injured in his ear. But Shacklebolt pointed his wand at Lupin, which made the others look shocked.

"The last words Albus Dumbledore spoke to the pair of us?" He asked Remus.

"'Harry is the best hope we have. Trust him.'" Remus replied.

Shacklebolt then lowers his wand and wheels on Harry.

"What gave you away?" He asked him.

"Hedwig," Harry said to him. "I think. She was trying to protect me."

As they continued to talk, Hermione turned to Harry and asked him.

"Altair's not yet back?"

Just then, the others arrived. Ron and Tonks, Mr. Weasley, and Fred also followed. The two of them ran towards the Weasley boy and hugged him, but Altair is not yet back.

"We didn't see him, Hermione. After he helped us defend ourselves from the Death Eaters, he flew away and we lost sight of him." Tonks told her and led her back to the house.

Bill looks grim, as well as Fleur.

"Mad-Eye's dead." He spoke, which made all silent. "And Altair... We saw him being pushed down by a Death Eater."

They all heard a creature's cry from the outside, and they all rushed out to see Buckbeak walking, with his injured feet.

"Buckbeak!" Hagrid yelped and hurriedly comforted the hippogriff. "He seemed shaken."

But there is no sign of Altair anywhere.

"No..." Hermione softly muttered, as her tears started to fall. It can't be. Altair... He can't be... dead.

"I don't want to give you hope, Hermione," Remus said to her. "B-But I know Altair. He's a fighter. He'll be back."

"Y-Yes." She sniffed and wiped her tears. "I know. I can feel it."

Hagrid then guided Buckbeak to the Weasley's farm as they all started to go back inside the Burrow. Hermione decided to linger outside for some time, waiting for Altair to come back. She is still hoping that he'll be back soon. He'll come back to her soon. She then held her chest and looked up at the sky. Stars are brightly shining as it illuminates the whole sky.

"I know that you would take care of him." She spoke, on Regulus Black and Vivian Price up above.


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