DH // 40 - Kreacher's Tale

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It was bright and early in the morning, Altair woke up and carefully moved Hermione's hand wrapped around him to her side, and stood up. He went out of the room and saw Harry who also woke up early as well.

"Hey." Harry greeted him. "How are you holding up?"

"I miss them. I know that you also miss him, Uncle Sirius." Altair said to him.

"Of, course. He's the only family member I've got. But, you. Losing your mother, and uncle at the same time..." He paused for a while, considering the young Black's feelings. "It's much harder for you. Witnessing everything."

"I'll be fine, Harry." Altair smiled at him, making the atmosphere lighten up a bit. "As long as I'm with you guys, and Hermione."

"Of, course. Hermione. She's your everything." The Potter boy grinned back at him. "I'll be in Sirius' room if you'll look for me."

"I'll be heading to the library." He replied and went on their ways. As Altair opened the door to the House of Black's library, there were a lot of dusty books and cobwebs on the ceilings. It's not been cleaned for years.

Looking and reading the titles of the book, he stumbled upon a shabby, old, and worn-out book with its title being faded because of its ancient condition.

"Veneficus Liber de Lapidibus antiquis..." He tried to read the title cover. It was grubby and old and the bindings are already starting to fall apart. Altair then opened the book, and a parchment fell from it. He saw familiar handwriting on the top part of the parchment.

"Father's handwriting..." He muttered and picked up the parchment.

'Son, if you are reading this letter now, it means that you are looking for answers about it. I hope that the stone showed to you because it didn't display to me either. This book has the answer to it and I hope that once you discover the true power that you have, you will put it to good use. I trust you, Altair... Whatever happens. R.A.B'

After reading the letter, he quickly opened the book and found a folded page.

"Praesidium Lapis..." Altair mumbled, his eyes transfixed on the page of the book, and started to read everything about it.


Hermione just had a talk with Harry in Sirius' room. He showed her the letter that Lily, his mother wrote for him. And the information he just found out about Bathilda Bagshot.

"I'm thinking maybe we should go talk to her," Harry told her. "She still lives in Godric's Hollow. I'm thinking maybe she could help us."

She looked up at him and regarded him closely.

"Harry. I can imagine why you'd want to go there, but..." She sighed a bit. "I don't think Bathilda Bagshot is going to know where Voldemort hid his Horcruxes."

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