HBP // 20 - Tryouts and the Potions Book

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Altair put on the Gryffindor team's Quidditch jersey. Hermione told him that she would be watching the tryout which just made him a lot more nervous. Yes, he knows Quidditch, and he played it with Ron, Ginny, Fred, and George one time when he stayed at their home this year. They all told him that he should be trying out this year for the position of chaser.

"Altair. Glad you decided to join the tryouts." Ron patted his back. "I'm also trying out for keeper. But I heard that Cormac's wanting the same position as well."

"You're better than him. Don't let him get into your head." Altair cheered him up.

Harry is the chosen Gryffindor team captain and he was trying to get the attention of the aspiring Quidditch members at the tryout.

"All right! Queue up! Excuse me..." Harry tried to get their attention.

"SHUT IT!" Ginny suddenly shouted, which made them all look in front.

"Your sister's scary when she does that. I remember that she can perfectly cast Reducto." Altair whispered to Ron and he just nodded.

"Yeah. She's a badass." The Weasley boy whispered back.

"Thanks. All right. This morning I'll be putting you all through a few drills to assess your strengths. But know this: Just because you made the team last year does not guarantee you a spot this year. Is that clear?" Harry told them. "And, we'll also be assessing the newcomers who wanted to fill in the spot for the chaser."

Altair and Ron both gulped in nervousness then they felt someone walk beside them. They turned and saw Cormac McLaggen, looking specifically at Altair smugly.

"You're trying out too, Black?" He asked him. "You think you can handle the Quidditch pressure?"

"I faced You-Know-Who last term, then you're asking me if I can handle the Quidditch pressure?" The young Black scoffed, hiding the real nervous jitters he is feeling right now. "Talk about pressure, man."

"Well..." Cormac shrugged then looked at the bleachers, at Hermione who was watching them from there. "Say... think you could introduce me to your friend Granger? Wouldn't mind getting on a first-name basis, know what I mean?"

"Friend?" Altair asked him again.

"He's the boyfriend, you, tosspot." Ron chimed in. "How thick of you to ask about her girlfriend face-to-face."

"At least I asked permission, Weasley." The seventh-year spoke to him then gazed back at Altair. "What do you say, Black?"

"I don't think you'll even touch a finger at her." He replied coldly. "As long as I'm here. So please, don't ever try."

"We'll see." Cormac walked away, still looking grimly at Altair.

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