HBP // 16 - Horace Slughorn

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Altair Black lost his mother and uncle and now has nowhere left to be. He couldn't go back to their old house since it only makes him remember his mum more as well as back to the Grimmauld Place. Their deaths were still fresh in his memory, but thankfully he has his friends, Harry and Ron, and most especially, the girl who he loves dearly, Hermione. With them, Altair made his healing process quicker.

He knows that his mother wouldn't want him to dwell so much on her passing. His mother would have wanted him to be happy, and that is what he is trying to do, even though it is hard.

"Thank you so much Mrs. Weasley for letting me stay here in your home," Altair said, bringing some of his things in. "I feel ashamed to you, to be honest."

"Don't you worry about it, Altair. You are welcome here in our home for as long as you like. Until you are fully healed." She warmly said. "You can stay in Percy's room. I've fixed it already for you."

She then called Ron, Fred, and George to help him gather his things upstairs.

"How are you holding up, Altair?" Ron asked as soon as they arrived at Percy's room.

"Getting better. Well, Hermione always sends me letters and Harry but I know that he's also grieving like me for Uncle Sirius' death." Altair told him.

"What's important is, you and Hermione are finally together." Fred nudged his shoulder.

"Shut up Fred." The young Black chuckled. "Thanks for helping me."

"It's no biggie, Regulus. And yes, please do come to the opening of our new shop at Diagon Alley. Hm? We'll be expecting our co-prankster there." George told him.

"Of, course I'll be there." He smiled and they both waved goodbye to him as they leave the room.

Altair sat down on the bed, picking up the issue of the Daily Prophet. The headlines were still about Voldemort's return, and one of it is about him, Sirius, and his mother, Vivian. He couldn't bear to read it since the pain still haunts him so he just kept the newspaper and then looked outside the window.

Hagrid's right. It's changing out there now. Especially since everyone in the Wizarding World knows about him being back. And this time, he knows that it's no turning back. If Voldemort wanted to kill Harry, then he has to pass by his corpse first before he can.

And Ethan Rosier, the very man who killed his mother. He won't stop until he hasn't still given justice to her. He will avenge her, by putting an end to him, just like his brother.


Weeks passed that he was staying with the Weasleys, he was outside the Burrow, just after they had dinner. He told Mrs. Weasley that he would just be out there for a while. Hermione will also be arriving later, and he's excited to see her. It's been weeks since they last saw each other and now, he could be able to hold her again.

He was looking around the field when he saw a familiar figure walking down. It's Professor Dumbledore.

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