OOTP // 9 - First Move and Visions

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Dolores Umbridge seemed to notice some unusual activities coming from the students, especially to the side of Harry and his friends. She then come up with a new proclamation decree and Filch hung it up to the wall.


Educational Decree No. 82

All students will SUBMIT to QUESTIONING about suspected ILLICIT ACTIVITIES.

Cho Chang read the new proclamation and felt a bit worried about the questioning that Umbridge will do. Altair and Hermione were also there as they read the new announcement she put up.

"She won't really stop, doesn't she?" Altair said to her and she nodded.

"Yes. And we must be more careful now since it is said that all students will be asked by her." She told him as they walk towards the library.

"But you seemed not worried about them betraying us." The Black boy spoke as they find a good, yet far spot inside the place.

"I told you, I placed a parchment jinx on the paper we signed on back at the Hog's Head." She told him in her hushed voice. Altair moved closer to her as she continued to speak. "It would break out boils to the traitor, spelling out the word 'SNEAK' across his or her face."

Altair nodded and looked at Hermione. "That was bloody brilliant. In that case, we would know if someone snitched us to Umbridge."

"You don't think it's horrible? I didn't tell them about it, and some of them were also hesitant to sign." She spoke, not minding the close distance they had.

"No, not at all. They all swore that they will join us in this and it means that we trust them, and they should too. What you did is only an extra precaution if someone betrays us." The young Black told her. "Just... be careful with that list, or else Umbridge can use it as evidence."

Hermione nodded and noticed how closer their places are to each other. She turned back at him, hiding her face as she felt her cheeks turn pink. Altair also noticed their proximity, but the thing is... He doesn't mind at all because he also likes this.

Altair Black also loved being close to Hermione Granger...


Days passed and the students of Hogwarts are all called to Umbridge's office for questioning about this illicit activity that is going on, but Harry and the members of Dumbledore's Army seemed to continue their sessions inside the Come and Go Room.

"Now, focus on a fixed point and try again." Harry assisted Neville and guided him to point his wand at the target.

"Expelliarmus!" The Longbottom boy conjured but still, nothing happened. He looked at Harry dejectedly as Altair nodded at him, telling him that he'll get it soon.

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