HBP // 28 - Soulmates

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The holiday break is done, and it is time for the students to come back to Hogwarts. Hermione heard what happened at the Burrow as she quickly enveloped her boyfriend as soon as she saw him at the express. His arm was still on a cloth sling, yet the wound is starting to heal already, thanks to magic.

"What happened?" She asked him as they sat down on the train seat.

"Attack at the Burrow," Altair told her. "He was there, Ethan... Proudly telling that he killed Mum."

"Love..." She hugged him. "Thank Godric, you're alright."

As they arrive at Hogwarts, Hermione was walking with him while reading the Daily Prophet about the disappearances happening at the Ministry. Harry was also with them, trailing down behind them.

"You're lucky you two weren't killed." She told them as she continued reading the article. "You have to realize who you are, Harry."

"I know who I am, Hermione. Alright?" Harry's voice raised a bit, which made Altair look at him.

"Tone down a bit, Harry. Will you?" He told him and the Potter boy seemed to nod.

"Sorry." He frowned a bit.

"So, tell me what Arthur said." She told them.

"If Dumbledore's traveling places, it's news to the Ministry." Altair began.

"But get this: that night at Borgin & Burkes? It seems Draco was looking at a Vanishing Cabinet." Harry added which made Hermione's face confused.

"What would Draco want with a Vanishing Cabinet?" She curiously asked.

"You tell me," Harry said to her.

They arrived at the Great Hall and there was Draco Malfoy, sitting alone on the Slytherin tables, seems like he's considering and thinking something...

"He looks different, don't you think?" Hermione subtly looked at the Malfoy boy. "Draco. Almost... ill."

"I noticed that too. But even though I'm trying to read his thoughts, he was shutting me out." Altair said to them. "Maybe he's practicing Occlumency."

"Who could tell the difference?" Harry shrugged.

Ron seemed to be talking with Lavender as he arrived at the table.

"Lav, c'mon. Of, course I'll wear it." He told his girlfriend.

The three of them glanced at the gold chain he is holding, with words 'MY SWEETHEART' dangled on the pendant.

"That's my Won-Won." Lavender kissed him on the cheek and waved goodbye at him.

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