DH // 48 - The Three Brothers

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Altair went out and find Hermione sitting alone and reading the book Dumbledore left her and the book written by Skeeter as well. She was busy, unnoticing his presence as he walked and sat down in front of her.

"Hey, Selene?" He called her in his chosen endearment for her. "Talk to me, please?"

She was trying to ignore her, but she can't help to hear his voice like that. She misses him, it's true but she has to stay a bit mad at him to know how dangerous and how worried she is about it.

"I will stay here until you speak to me," Altair said, looking at her.

She was focused on the book she was reading as strands of her hair fall a bit on her face. He was tempted to fix it for her but he knows she was still mad at him so he just watched her. She was biting her lips, trying to understand something in the book and that was torture for the young Black. Why? It feels like it's an invitation for him to kiss her.

"Hermione..." He muttered lowly, making the bushy browned-haired girl turn at him.

"Fine. Let's talk." She finally said and closed the book she is holding. "What do you want to say?"

"Look, I..." He began. "I'm sorry if I made you worry."

"You almost got killed. Why would you wear the locket under that freezing lake? You know that it has something inside. You know it's alive." She told him. "What if you got drowned down there? What if Ron wasn't there, or Harry to help you and pull you up? What if you got hypothermia because? What if..."

"What if I never came back?"

Hermione sighed and nodded. She was crying. Yes, what if he never came back to her? She would lose it. She would break and she would die. Her heart would stop beating that's for sure. Because she knows that her heart only beats for him.

"Love... Whatever happens, I would always find ways to come back to you." Altair kissed her forehead and hugged her. "Please, don't cry anymore. It hurts me seeing you like this."

"You know how dangerous this war is, right?" She said to him. "I just want for us to survive this together. You and me."

"Yes. We will." His words were full of assurance and love. "We will."

"I don't want to lose you." She held his hand.

"You won't lose me, Hermione. You won't."

They stayed like that for hours. The wind is breezing coolly but they didn't mind. Their close bodies were enough to feel the warmth they needed. It was romantic, like the stars, that night was all twinkling, like how they looked at it every time at the Astronomy Tower. They loved how it formed up there. Hermione was busy looking up, she didn't notice how Altair was gazing at her lovingly. He was staring at her through the sky full of stars. He knew that she was the girl he wanted to spend his life with. He would do everything for her, no question. He would die for her. He would and he would always choose to.

The Stars Tonight // H.Granger x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now