HBP // 26 - Back at the Burrow and the Grangers

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It is the holiday break and the students are about to go home for a while. Hermione then decided to celebrate her Christmas with her parents for a while to which Altair agreed. The young Black also planned to visit them in their Muggle world but will spend Christmas back at the Burrow since Molly and Arthur Weasley were expecting him as well.

"You sure you don't want to celebrate with us, Etoile?" Hermione asked him. They were at the prefect's compartment, away from Harry and Ron who seemed to be together.

"I don't want to meddle with your family traditions, Selene. Besides, you should spend it with them." Altair told her and kissed her hair.

"Thank you." She mumbled. "But, wait what did you and Harry hear about Draco and Snape's conversation?"

"Something about the Unbreakable Vow." He told her. "Do you know something about it?"

"I just read that you can't break an Unbreakable Vow. From its word, unbreakable. It only means that whatever Snape vowed, he mustn't break his word onto it." Hermione spoke at him.

"What will happen if he does?" Altair asked her.

"Death. He will die." Hermione said to him. "There is no way out of the Unbreakable Vow. Once done, you should do whatever is promised..."

After a few hours, the train comes to stop at the King's Cross, Altair kissed Hermione quickly.

"You'll write to me, alright? I want to know that you're fine." She said to him.

"Of, course I will. You know I will." He assured her. "I'll visit you soon, before Christmas."

"I can't wait." Hermione hugged him tightly. "I'll see you soon, love."

"I love you," Altair muttered between their hugs.

"I love you more." She said, and they both shared another sweet kiss.

"How's the goodbye?" Ron asked as Altair walked back to them.

"Godric, I miss her already." The young Black said to them.

"You'll see each other soon." Harry patted his shoulder. "Come on, let's go."


Days after they arrived, Altair received a letter from Hermione stating her home address as well as the invitation from her parents.

"Seems like our little Black here has this... meet the family day, huh?" Fred said from behind, his eyes reading the letter.

"Hey!" Altair quickly folded the paper.

"You want advice, mate?" George wiggled his eyebrows.

"I think I can manage." He told the twins. "Yeah. I think I can."

"Suit yourself," Fred said to him. "But if there's anything you need, Regulus Jr. we're one call away!"

"Yes, we're just upstairs... Inventing new products, or... you know pranking Ron again." George told him and went upstairs.

Altair just sighed and read again Hermione's letter. It'll be three days from now, then he'll finally meet her parents. Thinking that he felt a bit anxious. Would they love him? Would they... accept him for their daughter? Godric, they already kissed and already did that... before they become finally official. Oh no, would that be a problem? He doesn't know how it works in the Muggle world, and most especially in a Muggle family.

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