HBP // 30 - Felix Felicis

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That morning, Altair woke up before Hermione and decided to see Draco at the hospital. After the incident yesterday, he then thought about what is happening to him. He saw the Dark Mark on his arm, and he knew that he is already one of them. But he can see in his eyes that he doesn't want that. He doesn't want to be like that.

He then remembered his father, Regulus Black. He was once like Draco, a Death Eater. But in the end, he chose to do something to protect himself and his mother. He was still clueless about what happened to him, or what caused his disappearance, but he knew that his father made a good difference for the better. He still chose to do good, even though he was already deemed to be evil.

"Draco." He called him as he saw him walking out of the hospital, still limping a bit. "Hey, Draco."

"Get away from me," Draco said, but he was panting and tries hard to speak. "Get away... from me."

The Malfoy boy slumped down, and Altair quickly helped him stand up. "If you aren't well, you must go back to the hospital."

"You don't need to lecture me, Black." He hissed and removed his hand from his grasp. "I can take care of myself."

"I knew about it." The young Black said to him which made the white blonde-haired boy stop in his tracks. "You were already part of his army, aren't you?"

Draco turned at him, his eyes staring at him boldly. "Don't you dare speak about it... Or else."

"Draco." Altair began. "I won't speak about it. I understand what you're experiencing."

"No, you don't understand!" Draco scowled. "No one understands!"

"You're wrong." He told him. "The feeling of being forced to do something because if not, you'll face death. The feeling of being scared of defying him, because you know that he will decide your fate in the end."

The Malfoy boy seemed to be backing down from his bold stares, and looked at Altair, hopelessly.

"I'm not... evil, Black." He muttered. "I don't want this..."

Altair flinched a bit, seeing the Dark Mark etched on his skin.

"Let me help you." He walked closer to him and held his shoulder. "Please, Draco."

"W-Why are you helping me?" Draco looked at him, still not giving his full trust in him.

"Because I know someone like you." The young Black smiled at him, pain in his eyes. "I can see him in you."


"My father. Regulus Black."

Draco seemed to bow his head a bit. Of, course he knew about Regulus Black. He is also young when he joined Voldemort's army, and a Slytherin as well.

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