DH // 38 - Fallen

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Harry was gasping and panting from that dream he just had. Voldemort talked to Ollivander, about the wand and kidnapped him, took him somewhere. He then decided to go alone on this quest. His friends already sacrificed too much for him, and now, he must do this alone. This is his fight, and his friends don't deserve to be part of this anymore.

Altair heard someone close the door beside their room. He's still wide awake, thinking about what Rosier said to him about Voldemort and his ring. He then went outside to check who went out.

"Harry?" He called him when he saw Harry, with his bag and already walking away from the Burrow. "Where are you going?"

"I'll do it alone. Find the Horcruxes and kill him." Harry said to him. "You already suffered too much for me, and this time, I think it is best to do it alone."

"Are you out of your mind, Harry?" Altair rebutted and walked towards him. "You can't just leave and think that you can defeat him by yourself. Yes, you are the Chosen One, but you do realize that you are fighting a dark wizard. And it's not easy."

Just then, Ron saw them bickering outside and he also stepped out of the house to check on them.

"Going somewhere?" He asked them, and the boys turned their heads at him.

Harry stiffens, turns to meet Ron's accusatory gaze, and back to Altair, then continues.

"No one else is going to die. Not for me." He said to them. "I hope you would understand."

"It's not just for you, Harry. This isn't just about you." Altair retorted.

"Yeah. Altair's right." Ron nodded. "For you? You think Madeye died for you? You think George took that curse for you? You think Altair suffered that much for you? You may be the Chosen One, mate, but this is a whole lot bigger than that."

Harry just stared at Altair and Ron, as the whole surroundings grew tense.

"Come with me, now." He told them.

"And leave Hermione? Are you mad?" Altair said to him. "We wouldn't last two days without her."

"Besides, you've still got the Trace on you. And there's the wedding..." Ron told him also which only made Harry confused a bit.


"Bill and Fleur. Mum's been planning it for months. The only thing that's kept her sane, I reckon. She'll kill me if I miss it. Kill you too. Possibly kill Altair as well. Rather go face to face with You-Know-Who if I'm honest." Ron said to him.

"Fleur's family will be here tomorrow, and the wedding will take place the day after." The young Black added.

Ron tried to smile, but Harry wasn't.

"I don't care about a bloody wedding -- no matter whose it is," Harry told them. "I have to start searching for the Horcruxes. It's the only chance we have to beat him. And the longer we wait the stronger he gets."

"We do know that but, don't you think you'll just make it easier for him to kill you? Alone, wandering around finding those Horcruxes, and you don't even bloody know where they are." Altair talked some sense to him, hoping that he'll get the message.

"Tonight's not the night, mate." Ron calmly said. "You'd only be doing him a favor."

Harry stared at Ron and Altair, incensed by their cool demeanor and common sense. Finally, he turns away and tosses the rucksack in frustration. For a moment they stand like this, Harry's back to Ron and Altair. Silence filled the air until finally, Ron speaks.

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