DH 2 // 56 - The Reunion

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They pass inside the passage as Neville led them the way inside.

"I don't remember this being on the Marauder's Map," Ron said to him.

"Yeah. The Marauder's Map showed every passage, even the secret ones. But this one, I'm not even familiar with this." Altair added as well, and Neville just nodded.

"That's because it never existed till now. The seven secret passages were sealed off before the start of the year. This is the only way in or out now. The grounds are crawling with Death Eaters and Dementors." Neville told them.

Hermione felt Altair's hand hold hers and gripped it tightly a bit. It was a simple touch, but she felt safe and secured. They are now going to Hogwarts. This is it.

"How bad is it, Neville? With Snape as Headmaster." She asked him.

"Hardly ever see him. It's the Carrows you have to watch out for." The young Gryffindor told them.

"The Carrows?" Harry asked him.

"Brother and sister. They're in charge of discipline. Like punishment, the Carrows." Neville said, pointing to the gash on his face.

"They did that to you? But why?" Hermione asked worriedly.

"Today's Dark Arts lesson had us practicing the Cruciatus Curse. On First Years. I refused. Hogwarts has changed." Neville casually said which made the others shocked.

"Wait, you're telling me that you are asked to do an Unforgivable Curse, on First Years? They are really fucking out of their minds." Altair huffed in anger and disbelief. "It's barbaric."

"Aw, c'mon. Don't be grim. We're all used to it by now." Neville grinned at them. "And the thing is, it helps when people stand up, gives everyone hope. I used to notice that when you two did it, Altair, Harry. C'mon, we're almost there."

The four of them then followed suit, passing through the passage more.


As they finally arrive, Neville stops for a while and looked back at them.

"Let's have a bit of fun, shall we?" He smiled excitedly at them and pushed the door in front of them. "Hey! Listen up, you lot! I've brought you a surprise!"

They heard Seamus Finnegan speak. "Not more of Aberforth's cooking, I hope. Be a surprise if we could digest it."

Neville looks back and jerks his head toward the open door. Harry, Ron, Altair, and Hermione step forward, duck through and emerge into a large room that looks like a sumptuous tree house. All of the students' faces turn and blink. There was utter silence. Then...

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