OOTP // 13 - Fireworks and the Secret Weapon

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Altair Black was at the shoreline of the Great Lake that afternoon. He was sightseeing the beautiful horizon of the place, with his guitar of, course. He wanted to be alone for a while, and enjoy the beautiful scenery.

"I never thought that I'll see you here." He heard someone speak, and he knew whose voice it is.

"Hermione, hey." Altair greeted her, but it seems like something is bothering her, again. "Are you feeling well? You... want to talk about it?"

The bushy browned-haired girl nodded, trusting him with what she is feeling. Hermione felt that someone like him would listen to her always, and she was never wrong. He always does listen to her whenever she needs to vent out her emotions about something. He is a great listener.

"Sit down with me." He patted the space beside him and she then sat down. "Go on. Tell me, and I'll listen."

The young Black wished that he could've just read her mind right now, but he just can't.

"It's just that... I want to escape for a while. The whole idea of this... our group was caught, and Umbridge being the new headmistress, Dumbledore is hiding somewhere we don't know... The O.W.Ls this week as well... Being the prefect, the responsibilities and such." She sighed, seeming so tired from thinking.

He saw how much stress she is feeling right now, and then he thought of something, a ridiculous idea but he thinks that she needed it right now.

"You wanted to escape?" Altair asked her.

She nodded, her head still buried in her hands as he quickly stood up, and pulled her towards the shallow part of the lake. Luckily, they weren't in their uniforms and they were only wearing casual ones.

"Altair! Why are we here?" She said, seeing that her feet are already soaked in water.

But the young Black already dived into the water, swimming around, and then emerged again from it. "We're escaping, Hermione. Come on. You trust me, right?"

Hermione chuckled. She doesn't have plans on being drenched in the water now but seeing that Altair enjoys this too much, and yes this would also be a good idea to escape, she then held his hand.

"I don't know how to swim, I just want to remind you." She said to him.

"Don't worry, we won't be going to the deep part of the lake, just here." He assured her. "I can teach you some basics if you want."

At that moment, Altair decided to teach Hermione the basics of swimming, but they ended up splashing each other and laughing. They looked like kids waddling around the water, kidding around.

"Alright alright! You already made your point, Hermione. You are the strongest splasher in the world." Altair chuckled as he was wiping his face. "Godric, the water went inside my nose."

"I told you, don't challenge me with that." She laughed and decided to go back to the shore. "Thank you."

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