DH 2 // 57 - Encounter

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The students from different houses started to walk in synchronization. It was so much so that every movement is being watched and observed. Altair and Harry were in the middle of the Gryffindor students, being nicely covered as Ginny tried to catch up with them, specifically the Potter boy and Altair saw them holding hands with each other. He smiled a bit, and lowered his head, trying not to attract attention from the Death Eaters.

Each house stands together as a group, the room buzzing. No one sits. Harry and Altair are nowhere to be seen. At the Tall Table at the top of the Hall, two Death Eaters, which are the twins Amycus and Alecto Carrow both stand like sinister sentinels, their eyes raking the crowd. Professor McGonagall was there too, her face ashen, her bearing reduced, stands along the right wall, while Flitwick stands by the left wall. As Snape enters, the room goes slowly silent.

"Many of you are surely wondering why I have summoned you here at this hour." Snape began. "It has come to my attention that earlier this evening... Harry Potter and Altair Black were sighted in Hogsmeade."

A murmured thrill fills the Hall. McGonagall's eyes glisten with curiosity. The current headmaster then raises his voice, briefly, to quell the noise in the hall.

"I mention this in the hopes that truth will not be supplanted by rumor." He spoke. "For myself and a few select members of the staff, this comes as little surprise. We have, for some time, considered Mr. Potter and Mr. Black's return to Hogwarts to be not only possible but inevitable. Consequently, in the past several months and under my specific direction, exhaustive defensive strategies have been employed to defeat any attempt Mr. Potter and Mr. Black might make to breach these walls. But know this. Should anyone, student or staff, attempt to aid Mr. Potter and Mr. Black, that person will be punished in a manner consistent with the severity of their transgression. Rest assured: So long as I am Headmaster at Hogwarts, Harry Potter and Altair Black will never again step foot in this castle."

Altair silently scoffed after he spoke as the Slytherin students applauded his speech. Snape then raises his hand and the applause inside the hall stops.

"Now then. If anyone here has knowledge of Mr. Potter and Mr. Black's movements this evening... I invite them to step forward now."

Silence filled the hall. There were no students who knew about Harry Potter and Altair Black's whereabouts. But the Gryffindors were all anticipating their next move. Harry looked at Altair and gave him a small nod. The young Black then raised his hand.

"Yes?" Snape acknowledged Altair's raised hand. "What do you want to speak?"

"I think I can help you out with that small matter of yours..." Altair spoke, his identity still being a mystery to Snape.

Harry then started to move, in the middle of the aisle as students inside the hall started to gasp. Altair then followed suit; his cocky smile made Snape a bit surprised.

"Hey there Professor Snivellus..." He mockingly said.

"It would seem that, despite your exhaustive defensive strategies, you have a bit of a security problem, Headmaster," Harry told him.

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