OOTP // 15 - Order of the Phoenix

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"Did you believe, or were you truly naive enough to think that children stood a chance, against us?" Lucius uttered at him. "I'll make this simple for you, Potter."

"Give me the prophecy now, or watch your friends die."

Harry looked at his friends being held captive by each of the Death Eaters, helpless and scared.

"Don't give it to him, Harry!" Neville bellowed at him as Bellatrix shushed him up.

"Neville's right!" Altair seconded and Ethan couldn't help but choke the young Black hard. He then croaked, gasping for air.

"Altair!" Hermione called him but the Death Eater holding her pulled her back, telling her to stay put.

Harry then was left with no choice but to hand the prophecy to Lucius. The old Malfoy then finally can't believe that he holds now the very foretelling that could make the Dark Lord win. Just then, a bright light came down as Harry looked at someone who was walking behind Lucius.

"Get away from my godson."

Sirius then punched him right in the jaw, which made Lucius stumble and the orb shattered on the ground. A lot of bright light came down to where the old Black is, flying through the Death Eaters who were holding them. Nymphadora Tonks, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Remus Lupin, Alastor Moody, and Vivian Price came.

"Mum?" Altair saw his mother coming and she hugged him tightly.

"Altair... Oh, God..." Vivian saw the bloodied face of his son. "Who did this to you?"

"I did, Price!" Ethan snarled and then cast a spell at her which Vivian was too quick to deflect.

"You don't touch my son, Rosier!" She yelled at him and the battle began between the Order and the Death Eaters.

Ron and Hermione guided Altair down the large rock, hiding from the battle happening in front of them.

"I can't just leave them there!" The young Black stood up but Ron pulled him back.

"You're in no condition to fight, Altair!" Hermione told him. "You will hurt yourself more!"

"No! I'm fine. I can fight! I need to help them! Help Harry, Sirius, and Mum!" He insisted and stood up.

"Don't you understand!? What if you get killed!?" She cried at him; tears started to fall on her cheek.

"I'm not going be killed, Hermione." He guaranteed her as he picked up his wand and went out of his hiding place to fight the enemies.

"I love you." She muttered, but Altair was already on the battleground, not hearing her say that.

"I'm sure he knows." Ron patted her shoulder.

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