HBP // 22 - Accusations and the Slug Club

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As they all walked away from the hub, Altair noticed that Hermione is tipsy from the butterbeer she drank a while ago. She's sticking out her tongue, letting the snowflakes fall and taste them. She was also pirouetting happily.

"She's drunk, isn't it?" Ron asked him.

"Yeah, I think she is." He said to him and quickly went beside her so that she won't fall.

"Hey, handsome..." She slurred a bit. "What's up?"

"Come on, now." He held her hand and kept up with the others. Hermione then clings her arms around him and Harry. "I know that you can't really resist me, but I think you drank too much."

Just then, they heard someone scream. They looked in the direction and saw their classmate, Leanne, and a girl lying down on the snow, which happens to be Katie Bell. They saw how her body was moving back and forth like it was being possessed or something.

She rose, her mouth opened widely. Harry, Altair, Hermione, and Ron were watching, shocked by what was happening. Then her body falls on the snow, then she went unconscious.

Leanne cried. "I warned her! I warned her not to touch it!"

"Look." Altair pointed at the opened package as they went towards Katie's body.

"Harry, she's swallowing her tongue—" Ron said to them.

"I'll get someone—" Hermione offered but Harry shook his head.

"There's no time!" Harry bellowed as the large, massive figure stumbled from the blazing wind.


"Get back! All o' yeh!" He called the students. "Don't come any closer."

The half-giant gently scooped Katie into his arms and looked back at Harry.

"Don' go touchin' tha' but by the wrappin's. Unnerstan'?" He commanded, knowing that there is something dangerous on that necklace.

Hagrid nods darkly to the package in the snow. Harry kneels. Poking through the paper is an ornate opal necklace. Altair took off his jacket and gave it to him who used it to take it carefully and rise.


The necklace lies green and glittering upon McGonagall's desk as the five of them were being questioned by the professor.

"You're sure Katie did not have this in her possession when she entered the Three Broomsticks, Leanne?" She asked her.

"It's like I said. She went to the loo and when she came back, she had the package. She said it was important she deliver it." Leanne explained, worried still etched on her face.

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