DH // 36 - Eight Potters

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Saturday. The day the Order plans to relocate Harry and bring him to the Burrow. He volunteered himself for the job, drinking a Polyjuice Potion, to look like Harry to lure the Death Eaters away from the real one.

"Love." He called his girlfriend, who seemed to be out of herself these past few days.

"Hm?" She looked at him. "Yes?"

"Are you feeling alright?" He asked Hermione, holding her hand. "Tell me, love."

"I was just thinking about my parents. Are they well now? Are they..." She paused for a while and sighed, wiping a tear from her eye. "Nevermind. I chose this. I must accept this in no time. It's all for Harry, you, and the Wizarding World, love."

"As long as we are together, we'll be alright." He kissed her hair. "I love you, Hermione. Always and forever."

"I love you too." She smiled and kissed him on his lips. It was sweet and quick yet full of love.

"We'll be meeting Harry later," Altair said to her. "I don't know if he would agree on this plan quickly. Knowing him, he's sick and tired of people dying for him."

"But it is the Order's plan. And he has no choice but to oblige." Hermione replied. "It will be a dangerous night later. You'll be riding alone."

"You needed to be with Shacklebolt, love. It would ease my mind, knowing that you'll be with someone in the Ministry, and an Auror as well." He told her. "I can manage, even though I'm alone."

"What if Rosier is there?" She looked at him. "Would you... follow him?"

The young Black contemplated what she asked. Of, course he wanted to kill Ethan Rosier. He's been waiting for the right moment to capture and finally, end his life but he knows that later would not be the practical time for him to let his emotions lead him.

"No." He looked at her. "I will return here, no matter what."

"That's good to hear." Hermione leaned her head onto his chest.

They stayed up until like that for hours, enjoying each other's company. Yes, the war is frightening but Altair, holding his world in his arms just made him braver and stronger. He would do everything to protect her, just like what he promised to her father.


That night, they all flew together towards 4 Privet Drive, Harry's childhood home to finally bring him to the Burrow, the chosen safe house. As they arrived at the place, Hermione quickly flung her arms around Harry tightly. The Potter boy was smiling seeing them all. Ron then patted his shoulder as well and Altair gave him a quick hug.

"All righ', 'arry? Yeh look fit." Hagrid said to him.

The Stars Tonight // H.Granger x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now