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"Wake up it's time for school", I heard my mothers screeching tone come from downstairs, don't get me wrong I love the women I mean she's my mother obviously but she can be annoying at times, And by times I mean when it's so early in the morning and I don't feel like getting up.

I got up slowly somewhat dragging myself out of my bed. Once I got out of my bed I headed over to my closet to pick out an outfit for my first day.

"You up?", I heard her ask softly from downstairs.

"Yeah I'm up, I'm just going to get ready now and then I'll come down", I look back at my closet trying to choose. I'm a very indecisive person so for me to have to choose an outfit for the first day of school in a new area, and better yet I was going to start this school in the middle of the year which means everyone already has friends and is comfortable while I'm just going to be awkward little me. It was early October. I had just moved two months ago, so that requires a lot of unpacking to do since our house is full of full boxes.

I finally decided on a lace black bralette with a plain black tank top and a purple lightweight knitted sweater, along with black skinny jeans and my black converse. I then walked over to my jewelry area and picked out three necklaces, one was long and had an owl on the bottom, the other one was medium length and had a silver heart on it and last but not least came the shorter one that was just a plain chain but was small and cute. I decided to wear my everyday earrings which are just two simple diamonds and I kept my second hole with its little earring as usual.

I took my clothes and my jewelry onto my bed and then I grabbed my towel and stepped into the shower.
Once I had gotten into the bathroom I leaned over towards my shower and turned the water on. While I was waiting for the water to steam up I took off my pyjamas and let my hair go out of its messy bun.
I then looked at the mirror and saw it was all fogged up so I stepped into the shower.
Once I had stepped in I felt the hot steamy water relax my strained muscles from everything that's been going on. I didn't need to wash my hair that day so I didn't I just lazily ran the razor over my legs, stomach and arms. I'm not a fan of body hair. And then I washed my body. I stepped out of the shower and wrapped my towel around my small frail body.

I stepped out of my bathroom and turned on the fan to allow the steam out of the bathroom. I walked over to my bed and put on my clothes once I was done with that I put my jewelry on. I then walked over to my vanity area and decided what to do with my hair and makeup. My hair was around my chest area it was a dark brown colour straight naturally, I decided to keep it natural today I then decided what to do for makeup. I had two light brown eyes and my skin was kind of tan I guess you could say. I definitely wasn't pale but I wasn't super tan either. My height currently was 5'5 so I wasn't considered short or tall, right in the middle.. Average.

I decided to go with some Mascara just to open up my eyes a bit and some brow powder. That was it for now, I took good care of my skin so I really don't see the need for me to have to apply loads and loads of makeup, when I don't sleep though my dark circles become horrendous but luckily I had slept last night so there only slightly visible.

Once I was done with all that I walked back over my desk and put some deodorant on and some Taylor swift perfume that I am forever In love with.

I grabbed my bag that was right next to my door and headed out.

"You hungry?", My mom asked as I stepped into the kitchen.

"Kind of", I replied honestly I was really nervous to be starting a new school and better yet in the middle of the year which makes me feel so awkward but I just need to get through the first day.

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