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"You're a fucking prick", I said under my breath as he shoved me towards Elijah.

I immediately tried untying him but the ties were so tight even I couldn't budge them.

"Let him go-", I turned around slowly.

"Or what?-", Mason evilly smirked.

"Let him go!", I forcefully pushed myself onto mason shoving him over completely. One thing I don't miss about being human, being weak.

"You bitch", He stood up lashing towards me but I was quick enough to run up behind him grabbing his knife and shoving it towards his heart.

"One move and you die.. now let him go", I harshly spoke into his ear.

"Sab let him go, my life isn't worth this pathetic bullshit", he spat.

I watched Sabrina cast a spell and quickly untie him as he ran over to me and we were out like a light.

"No Elijah wait-", I stopped him during our run.

"Kylie are you insane? We need to leave now!"

"I'm not leaving Sabrina with that asshole", I ran back towards them.

I quickly ran back to where we were, only to find them gone.
Everything vanished into thin air, like nothing ever happened.

"I'm sorry", I heard Elijah's voice as he came up behind me hugging me tightly.

"It's okay, we'll figure something out.. Let's go home", somehow time has slipped away and it was practically 2am.

(I've decided I don't want to drag out a somewhat good story, I feel really inspired to create a new story so that's what I plan to do, I hope you all enjoyed this book & if you'd like I'd love for y'all to check out my story -when I put it out haha- thank you so much for reading & voting it means the world to me!! I Love y'all so much xxxx)

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