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"I know something's up", I looked over towards Elijah.

"What do you mean?", I responded to him confusingly.

"You're playing with your hair, you do that when your stressed. talk to me", he walked over and sat beside me on the couch.

"It's obviously Sabrina, I mean.. It just doesn't make sense and I'm so worried about her".

"I can go check more into it but you're staying here", he pecked my forehead as he stood up putting on his shoes.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?", I quickly stood up blocking the door.

"To rescue your best friend, thank me later", he walked passed me and out the door.

"I love you", I quickly yelled before I closed the door.

"I love you", he sang as he skipped down the street like a total goofy lovable moron.

I decided I'd cook up a little meal for when Elijah gets back, we haven't had a one on one special dinner in a while.

It's been three hours, three hours since Elijah left the house.
I bite my lip nervously as I looked at the clock.
'I know he's probably fine, he might've stopped by the grocery store to pick up some stuff'
I say to myself quickly.
After another fifteen minutes of sitting there staring at the clock I had enough of driving myself insane, i quickly threw on my jacket and my jeans.


"Elijah pick up!", I yelled into my phone angrily as I swerved into the cemetery. I wasn't nervous driving here but I've already called Elijah seven times and he hasn't picked up.

I quickly parked the car and stormed out running towards the back of the cemetery towards where we last found Sabrina.

As I slowly stepped in I heard faint voices so I made sure to stay low.

"You'll never get away with this Kylie will come for me", I heard Elijah's voice I instantly stood up in fear.

"Oh his little girlfriend is gonna come save him, what a hero", I heard the same mans voice from before.

"Will you shut up", I heard Sabrina's voice.

"No, now go get another bag", I heard her footsteps come near me so I quickly hid behind the wall not realizing that wall was right next to the cabinet where she came to get a bag.

"Kylie-?", she whispered.

I looked up at her confused wether to be scared or comforted.

"I'm not a bad person", was all that escaped her mouth.

"Then let my boyfriend go", I whispered back.

"I can't you don't understand-".

"Then explain-", I stood up angrily but she harshly smacked me down back onto the ground.

"What the-".

"Sabrina? Where's the bag?", I heard the mans voice come near us.

"Coming!, Kylie just go I'll keep him safe", She quickly ran off with an empty bag before I could say anything.

"Let's see about that", I harshly said under my breath as I ran towards the stairs before they could see me, this place was so oddly designed, it looked like a really old church, as I reached the top of the steps I was on this 'balcony' type of space where I can see everything below including.... Elijah.

I looked over making sure I wasn't in sight,
I immediately saw Elijah having a needle shoved into his arm, by none another then.. Sabrina's brother...

They we're draining his blood.

I suddenly couldn't see her brother in sight and I heard footsteps so I quickly ran into one of the rooms and hid behind a bookcase, apparently I was in a really old library. that looked as if no one had been there in literal centuries.

"Hello", i suddenly heard his voice. "I know someone's in here, I heard footsteps", he started checking each cabinet quickly as I moved over each one before he could see me.
I suddenly turned around and he had grabbed me.

"Get the fuck off of me!", I yelled pushing him off.

"Ahh Kylie, The girlfriend has arrived now don't we have a ceremony".

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