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We parked the car near this sandy bit that wasn't technically part of the beach but it still was pretty much part of the beach.

"It's beautiful", I quietly said as we both stood out of the car.

"Here I have an idea, you go walk over to the water and I'll be there with you in a second", Elijah quickly stepped back into the car and started the engine.

"Okay", I softly spoke as I slowly walked down towards the water. As I got to the water I looked behind me to see Elijah's car right next to me, the trunk opened up. But it was one of those truck kind of cars where if the trunk were to be open, well it is always open but you can put the thing down and then you have this whole little sitting area. So the trunk was facing the water and he had a few blankets. I quickly smiled as I turned around and he helped me sit up on the trunk and wrapped a blanket around me, he then sat right next to me and did the same.

"Kylie?", I heard a voice when I looked over I saw Sabrina.

"Sabrina? What are you doing here?", I stood up from the car and jumped over towards Sabrina.

"Yeah I got out-", she smiled softly and hugged me back.

"Got out?", Elijah interrupted her.

"Yeah she was my roommate In the mental institution", I looked behind me at the ocean then back at two of them.

"Oh If you don't mind me asking why were you In there?", Elijah backed away kind of suspiciously.

"Oh no don't worry I'm not insane", She laughed slowly looking at me for help.

"She's a witch, they checked her in as insane. She was my best friend in boarding school so yeah that's how I know her", I looked over at Elijah as he softened his features and smiled.

"I'm Sabrina Cougar By the way", She held her hand out.

"Cougar? Nice, I'm Elijah", He shook her hand.

"So are you two.. Like-".

"No", I finished for her.

"Oh okey", She laughed awkwardly then looked at me.

"Can I talk to your a second?", She asked me quickly.

"Yes yes of course", I turned around to follow her a bit farther down the beach.

"So I came here to explain something to you", She sat on a rock as did I.

"Go on", I politely responded.

"The reason I was seeing people and get hurt whenever they touch me is because it turns out im the middle women, which means before the supernatural creatures die they put there hand on me and I feel there pain as they pass through me and get to the other side", She quickly explained everything and I caught on quickly.

"Oh okay.. That actually makes a lot of sense now, eh good to know", I smiled.

"Another thing.. The thing with Arianna and Dustin-".

"How do you know about that?", I interrupted her quickly.

"I just do, and don't worry the reason your name was in his file was to keep it safe and the reason Arianna needed that photo was because in there had the information to free me from this place I was stuck in for a while", she quickly spoke out.

"Wait what do you mean keep it safe?", I looked at her confused.

"I've said to much already", She quickly stood up from the rock.

"Wait what no Sabrina you cannot just leave me on edge like that-".

She vanished.

"Great", I muttered under my breathe and trumped back over to where Elijah was.

"what happened?", He asked me quickly as I sat back where I was sitting before.

"Nothing don't worry about it", I smiled as I looked at him.

"I know you better then that", He smirked.

"Okey.. Turns out she's the middle women every supernatural being who died goes through her to get to the other side and she feels there pain", I quickly told Elijah half the truth I just didn't think it was useful information the last part.

"Oh okey.. Good to know", He shook his head softly.

"Look this is probably going to seem absurd but I really do like you Elijah okay?", I smiled softly looking at him as the harsh cold wind blew against my skin I luckily had a blanket to keep me warm.

"The only thing absurd about that sentence is the fact that you used the word absurd", He chuckled softly then leaned in slowly softly out his hand on my chin and kissed me softly then pulled away teasingly. "Now I have a question for you Kylie", He looked up at me smiling.

"Okey... Go", so shoved him playfully laughing.

"Will you be my girlfriend?", He looked at me slowly.

"No need to ask", I slammed my lips onto his and kissed him passionately.

"Oh shit", He pulled away suddenly jumping off the truck.

"Elijah are you okay?", I got up slowly from the truck leaving my blanket there as he walked towards the water.

"Elijah?", I walked faster up to him as he crouched down to the ground breathing heavily.

"Kylie get away from me!", He yelled.

"No Elijah im here, im not leaving everything will be okay", I softly crouched down next to him putting my head on his shoulder.

"Okay well I warned you", He suddenly got up picking me up throwing me over his shoulder.

"Elijah put me down-", I started laughing then I noticed we were getting closer to the water. "Elijah let me down now!", I started wriggling my way out but I was failing.

"Elijah seriously let me down", Suddenly I felt all the air being sucked out of my body.

"Ohh Kylie you kidder", He continued walking closer to the water.

"No no Elijah im not kidding seriously let me down I can't breathe", He immediately let me down and sat down next to me.

"What's wrong? What happened?", he asked me quickly looking at me.

"I don't know I just feel really light headed suddenly", I ran my hand through my hair softly as I looked over at him.

"I'm okay I don't know what that was but I'm okay now", I looked at him softly smiling but feeling very worried on the inside.

He just sat closer to me hugging me.

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