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I looked up to see an old women.

"Oh hello miss-", I stood up quickly. "How impolite of me I'm sorry but do I know you?", I put my hand out ready to shake hers.

Suddenly I had felt something grab me and I fell to the floor in shock.

When I opened my eyes I saw Elijah.

"What the hell?", I stood up quickly brushing the grass off of me. Wait where did the lady go.

"Where did the lady go?", I looked back at Elijah.

"I had just turned the corner and suddenly I saw you put out you're hand but nothing was there, you were about to touch a demon, that is so dangerous for humans to do so, see demons can't touch you. But if you touch them once they have full control over you", He then stood up but as soon as he stood up I hugged him tightly.

"Thank you", I softly responded.

"Of course always, you're welcome", He nuzzles into my neck.

"What do we do now?", I looked over at Elijah while he was smirking at me.

"Why are you smirking?", a sneaky smile escaped my lips.

"You're amazing", he bluntly responded.

"Excuse me?", I stood there kind of shocked.

"You're strong; and amazing, when this all first happened to me I crashed down at the first thing that had happened, but you? No. I don't know how you do it but you're amazing", He looked at me fully smiling in awe.

Wow. Part of me was so grateful as to how sweet he was, but another part of me felt a pressure as If now I wasn't allowed to break down ever.

He seemed to look at my confusion as none response and quickly realized something, "you can still break down. You're human, it's normal", I then turned to him and smiled.

"Thank you.. Really", I practically whispered the last part.

"So about now.. Find Alyssa?", he looked at me.

"I would ask Sabrina to do a locating spell but no spells can be cast on someone who has eaton a demonic food or drink", I looked at him quickly.

"You've done you're research?", He smiled softly as he shivered. I loved the cold here, the gloomy days, all winter like.

"Yeah.. Although I also read about these thing that if there's a witch who drinks vampire blood they have exactly an hour and they can cast a spell on whom ever they would like to, but it only lasts that hour but it's fetal", I looked down at the floor trying to figure this out.

"Trevor can do it", He spoke up.

"Who's Trevor?", I looked at him confused.

"My witch friend, amazing. He wouldn't mind doing anything, especially if it meant helping out Alyssa", He smirked softly.

"What was that last part supposed to mean?", I nudged his shoulder playfully.

"You don't miss a thing do you?", He laughed.

"Nope now spill", I playfully demanded.

"He has a crush on her", He quickly responded.

"Oh okay.. And yeah okey call Trevor", I then kissed him on the cheek and started walking away.

"Where are you going?", He looked at me confused, he really did look just so gorgeous standing there with the old fashioned houses behind him, along with all the snow on the ground and cool wind blowing his hair around along with making his nose look a cute pink color. I suddenly realized I had been staring and I quickly stammered.

"Well we don't know if Trevor could truly help us, so until then I'll go searching call me if you need me",  I then turned around blushing.

"Okay", I heard his voice behind me.

"Oh wait Elijah", I quickly turned around before he could go.

"Yeah?", Suddenly he was in front of my face. 

"Here", I quickly pulled a hair out of my head.

"Do you always give creepy gifts to people", He nervously smiled as he looked at my strand of hair that was now in his hand.

"In case I don't come back, locater spell", I laughed softly.

Just as I had turned around he softly grabbed my arm spinning me back around and softly slamming his lips into mine. I loved the way our lips just molded together moving in sync, we even got a little tongue action in there. Finally when he started kissing my neck and a few raspy moans escaped my mouth I pushed him away softly but breathlessly.

"You are amazing, we are not done with that but I must finish this", I pointed at him smirking as I walked away backwards then finally turned around.

He was smiling and it was adorable.

I really was falling for him.

Falling In love?


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