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"I had fun today", I looked over at Elijah as we pulled up to my house.

"So did I", He responded holding onto my hand softly.



We both said our names at the exact same time.

"Sorry go on", I laughed.

"Would you like to go out for dinner tonight?", He looked over at me with his perfect looking face.

"Yes of course text me the time okay?", I got out of the car after kissing him softly and I left going up into my house. I unlocked the door to my house stepped inside then locked it again. I set my shoes down near the kitchen and decided to go upstairs to my room to relax for a bit. As I stepped into my room and closed the door exactly when I turned around someone slammed there hands over my mouth. I immediately shut my eyes in horror and tried to shove whoever this person was off of me.

"Kylie chill it's just me", I heard a familiar voice as I opened up my eyes.

"Alyssa-?", I stood there almost breathlessly taken away.

"Yes.. It's me, after all that I've done to you im so sorry and i get it if you wouldn't accept my apology that makes total sense but I can tell you everything and anything if you want", She walked up to me sincerely looking sorry.

"Oh my god Alyssa it's okay Elijah told me everything I forgive you", I hugged her quickly as she hugged me back.

"So we're cool?", She asked me slowly as we pulled away from our hug.

"Yeah, just don't ever do what you just did", I laughed softly.

"Don't worry not planning on it anytime soon", She smiled kindly.

"So you and Elijah eh?", She sat down on my bed smirking.

"Yes we're together now", I smiled even at just the thought.

"Woah, nice. Do you like him or more then that?", She asked me as I sat down leaning against my bed frame.

"To be honest I think it's to early in the relationship to tell but I do really really like him, possibly more", I said the last part barely audible but she heard me.

"Aww you guys are so cute", She laid down on my bed looking up at my ceiling.

"I missed you", I broke the comfortable silence.

"I missed you to", She looked over at me smiling.

"Now I need to go but I wanted to make sure we were cool", She quickly stood up and flashed out as soon as I said goodbye.

I got a text from Elijah.

'6 I'll pick you up x'.

I quickly responded with.


I decided to choose a dress, I wanted something comfortable but still kind of out there.
I stood in front of my closet contemplating what to wear, finally I decided on this purple dress that kind of frilled out towards the bottom and had a belt for the middle, because of the coldness I grabbed my jacket, I put my dress and jacket onto my bed as I decided I should start getting ready due to the fact that it was already 4:30.

I stepped into the shower, exfoliating my skin then I moved onto shaving and of course washing my body I also washed my hair and conditioned, once I stepped out of the shower and started blow drying my hair. After that I decided to curl my hair, soft beachy curls that still looked very put together. Then I put on my dress and deodorant plus perfume, I threw some black flats on and my jacket.

I then grabbed my phone and moved over to my vanity area.

I decided on some concealer, some brown eyeshadow on my lid along with some mascara, I threw on a little bit of winged eyeliner. I quickly grabbed my black liner and lined my waterline, I then decided on this really cute natural plump lipstick. I smiled into the mirror then stood up and went downstairs waiting for Elijah.

'We have a problem', I got a text from Elijah.

'What? Is everything okay', I held my phone is my hand waiting for a response finally I saw him calling me I quickly answered.

"Elijah what's wrong?", I quickly spoke out loud before he could say anything.

"I can't tonight", He devastatingly replied.

"It's okay..-", I sighed deeply. "What happened?", I quickly spoke up after that.

"Alyssa, she's taking us all to where she was taken In her dreams or whatever they were", He responded quickly.

"Okay.. You know what I can help you guys", I quickly stood up from the couch.

"How?", He sounded confused.

"Just... I'll call you soon I have a plan", I hung up quickly.

I ran upstairs and quickly took off my dress, I threw on a pair of jeans and a purple sweater over a white tank top, I threw on my sneakers and ran out quickly grabbing my phone.

Just as I sat into my car I got a phone call, my mom.

"Oh my god mom hello, how was the plane ride?", I didn't start my car yet.

"It was good, I'm here safely", I heard my mothers kind voice through the line.

"That's amazing to hear honestly", I laughed softly.

"Okay darling I would love to chat but I have a meeting now I'll call you tomorrow I love you", She told me quickly.

"I love you", I then hung up and put my keys into the key area and started up the engine.

I drove off. I knew exactly where I was going.

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