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"I'm ready", I spoke up quickly as the nurse walked into the room.

"You do know it's not that easy to leave right? There's a few meetings we need to do, you obviously checked in here for some reason", The nurse quickly responded and then walked out quickly.

Damn it. I thought to myself quickly.

"Don't worry I got your back", Alyssa quickly walked into the room and disappeared.

Next thing I knew I saw the nurse coming back with all my belongings.

"Compultion?", I looked over at Alyssa as she smiled deviously letting me know my question was correct.

"Okay I'm ready to leave", I looked behind me at the room and quickly walked out.

"I'm so glad your out of that horrible place", Alyssa hugged me excitingly.

"I need to talk to Jarred", I quietly told her as we stepped into her car.

"Jarred? What is wrong with you?", She shook her head vigorously.

"He came to my room sometime last week and he-".

"Hold up! He what? Kylie he's bad news stay away from that creepy he'll just end up turning you", She quickly turned her car on to allow some heat to heat me up she on the other hand didn't really have to worry.

"No listen Alyss- Turn me? He wants to turn me into a vampire? But I need to talk to him it's important", I looked out the window and bit my lip in confusion.

"You know what fine whatever floats your boat but I see your stubborn and you won't let this go, I'm warning you being a newbie isn't fun one bit so you choose what you want to do", She quickly drove off and stopped in front of the graveyard.

"Why are we here?", I looked around then back at her in confusion.

"Jarred lives here in the back near the big tombstone", She turned her car off.

"Your coming with me?", I looked at her quickly as she opened up the car door on her side.

"What kind of friend would I be if I let you go alone to Jarred's house", She didn't really ask it as a question more as an accusation.

"Okay.. Thank you", I smiled kindly as we both stepped out of the car. I was immediately bombarded with the cold air I shivered slightly but managed to contain it.

"Here", I looked up to see we were right in front of a huge tombstone.

"What now?", I looked at her my brows furrowed.

"Come", She walked around the tombstone and down some steps that were hidden by some bushes, as we reached the bottom of the steps we saw a door. Alyssa leant forward to knock but just before she did the door opened.

"Okay..", I quickly walked in behind Alyssa.

It was almost like a light tunnel, down the tunnel you can see a curtain, part of me wanted to know what was behind the curtain but a huge part of me couldn't care less. Mostly I was afraid.

"Ah Kylie I see you've left", I heard a voice behind me I quickly turned around to see nobody but when I turned back to the front of me Alyssa was gone.

"Alyssa?", I called out in fear.

I stepped through the curtain to see a church like looking thing and there he was, Jarred. Sitting there at the edge of the room waiting for me to go and speak to him.

"What did you do with Alyssa?", I yelled at him not caring who he was or what he was for that matter.

"Now now no need to panic she'll be just fine", He smiled. "So I see you got out, talk to me", He put his elbows onto the table in front of him.

"Why did you have that journal in a mental hospital?", I looked at him confusingly without moving from my spot.

"I checked myself in.. And I quite honestly did not want you making the same mistake I've made", He looked completely sincere when he said those words to me.

"So your not going to turn me right?", Probably a stupid thing for me to say but I just needed to know.

"Well I can't promise anything but you intrigue me... So no, you can trust me you will not get hurt and I will keep you safe", He smirkingly said those words.

To be honest he wasn't that bad looking at all and he wasn't being so sweet. Yes he's done bad things and everyone has bad things to say about him but he looked to sincere and for some odd reason trustworthy in that moment.
But he had Alyssa and I needed to find her.

"Give me back Alyssa", I quickly demanded crossing my arms.

"Now why would I do that?", I leaned back into his chair.

"Because it's like a test, you give Alyssa back to me and you're getting closer to me trusting you", I meant every word I had just said hopefully it will mean something to him.

"Fine", I turned around after he had said that one word to find Alyssa fine just looking a bit annoyed.

She immediately slashed towards Jarred but I immediately held her back.

"What? What are you doing Kylie I should just kill him here, now", she looked at him with glaring eyes.

"Alyssa stop it! You hurt him and I will be very upset with you!", I quickly shoved her back with all my might.

"Kylie move", Suddenly her eyes turned to a dark red shade and she had random veins appear under her eyes and her teeth they were growing.

"A-Alyssa", I stammered quickly moving out of the way but ended up falling on the ground due to my clumsiness.

"I said move!", She practically growled at me. She quickly jumped over me and was about to bite me when I felt someone shove her off of me, I looked up and immediately smiled.

"Thank you", I smiled at Jarred.

He smiled back.

"Always safe remember?", He smiled kindly as he helped me up.

I was confused. Apparently he was bad but he seemed so right. I wasn't quite sure what I was supposed to think.

"You're crazy Kylie he's bad!", I heard Alyssa yell as she stood back up.

"Alyssa stop it! I'm confused and I don't know what to think right now but what I do know is that my so called best friend just tried to bite me and apparently the 'bad guy' just saved me from you", I stepped behind Jarred for protection.

"Whatever, suit yourself Kylie but dont your dare say that I didn't warn you", She turned her shoes around and walked out immediately practically by a flash.

"You okay?", I saw Jarred turn around and ask me.

"Yeah.. I think I'll be okay", I smiled quickly.

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