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"We better get back to class", Elijah spoke up as Alyssa and I stood up from the bench attached to the bus stop.

"We do not want to be late to math Mr. Bart is not the kindest of them all", She laughed and grabbed my arm as we ran into the school squealing like little girls not wanting to get snow all over ourselves. Once we got inside the school we made our way over to the class that I guess was our destination aka the hell hole aka math.

I stepped in and saw two tables in the back that were empty, Alyssa sat in the middle one and I sat in the one closer to the window.

"Hello class", A old-ish teacher walked in fixing his glasses as he put his briefcase on his desk. Once he looked up he started calling out attendance and when he got to my name he looked up and said, "Kylie Dawn? Your new here right?".

"Yes Mr-".

"Bart, the names Mr.Bart", He turned around and started the lesson.

"I'll give you my notes later don't worry", Alyssa whispered towards me.

'Thank you', i mouthed back to her not wanting to get in trouble.

She smiled and turned back to her notebook as did I.

"So what did you think of your first two math lessons?", Alyssa cheerfully asked me as we exited the room back outside towards the bus stop.

"Well I still hate it.. So nothing new", I laughed and so did she.

Once we stepped into the bus stop and sat down we waited for Elijah and Evan.

As I looked at the school I noticed a familiar face walking into the school.

"You know what theres something I need to do I'll be right back okay?", I looked over to Alyssa as I grabbed my phone and stood up.

"What no don't leave me", She over dramatically pleaded. "I'm kidding go", She laughed as I ran out of the bus stop towards the school.

As I stepped into the school I got a text from Alyssa.

'Come back I'm bored!!'- Alyssa.

'I can't', I texted her back.

'Why not?'-Alyssa.

'I'm dead'-I sent that message to get then locked my phone.

As I looked up from my phone I saw the familiar strawberry blonde hair from across the hall I quickly squeezed through the crowd of people had to shove a few but I managed to make it to her before she stepped into a class.

"Oh my god Kylie, how are you? I didn't know you moved here..?", She hugged me tightly then pulled away waiting for a response from me.

"Arianna, I'm good and yeah with my mom after everything happened", I smiled kindly.

"That's great to hear.. Yeah I'm sorry about what happened", She gave me a sympathetic look.

"No really it's okay", I smiled.

"Okay well I would love to chat but I have class I need to get to I'll call you though, still have your number?", She asked reaching for the door to her classroom.

"Yes of course now go study", She laughed and walked into her classroom I started walking back out to go back to the bus stop.

As I stepped into the bus stop I noticed Evan and Elijah along with Alyssa.

"Look who came back from the dead", Alyssa smirked then burst into tears of laughter.

"Me..guess what", i sat down next to Alyssa.

"What?", Alyssa asked me.

"I'm secretly a vampire", I started bursting out into fits of laughter what I did notice was that the three of them gave each other a look but then quickly started laughing as if to cover something up I decided to just let that go for now.

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