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I sent the photo to Ari but immediately called her as I was walking home.

On the third ring she picked up.

"Oh my god Kylie your a life savour thank you so much", She sounded relieved.

"Yeah just answer one question", I sounded a bit annoyed but I really didn't care.

"Yes anything shoot", She sounded so relaxed I, the complete opposite.

"Why the hell was my name in there?", I almost shouted.

"Kylie.. It's really confusing, I promise you'll find out eventually", She told me but I knew she was probably lying.

"Yeah sure", I couldn't take this I hung up the phone and stormed home.

"Honey how was your first day?", I heard my mother ask me from the kitchen.

'Oh just amazing mother I broke into the principals office, found my name on a folder that shouldn't have been there' I mentally yelled in my head.

"Okay, I'm going to sleep at Ari's tonight", I had to lie if I told her the truth about the lake house she would never let me go.

"Oh you've reconnected with Arianna that's great to hear", My mother smiled kindly as she stirred some pasta mixed with a mushroom sauce looked delicious.

"When will you be leaving?", She asked me as I just reached the top of the stairs to my beautiful and loving home.

I looked at the clock and saw it was 2:20pm, "I'm going to leave at around a quarter to four", I yelled towards my mother as I stepped into my room.

I went straight for my closet and pulled out a small little backpack that fits just enough things for a sleep over, I grabbed my black sweatpants and my black sweatshirt as pyjamas and threw those into the bag then I through in my tooth brush, my hair brush, my face wash, my moisturizer and a few other things I needed after that I went to my vanity area and grabbed some mascara and concealer but that was it for now.

I decided to change into comfier clothes, don't get me wrong the clothes I was wearing weren't that bad but I mean we were probably going to be up all night and that includes me most likely not changing into my pyjamas I only brought those in case so I might as well be comfortable. I took of the clothes I was wearing and threw on my black leggings that were so incredibly comfortable, tied a dark blue flannel around my waste and threw on a comfortable white crop top, I decided on my black converse and I was ready to go. I looked over at the clock and saw it was already 3:00pm so I went downstairs quickly with my bag slung over my shoulder.

"What's the big rush?", She asked me as she put down a big bowl of pasta in the middle of the dining room table with three pla- three plates?

"Mom.. Why are there three plates when there are only two of us here", I put my bag slowly down onto the chair next to me eying her suspiciously.

"I invited someone over for dinner.. Sue me", She raised her hands over dramatically.

"Who is it?", I walked over and helped her put all of the condiments onto the table.

"Zachary Selik", she smiled as she looked proudly at the well done up table.

"Well I hope you enjoy your date", I smirked as I grabbed a plastic bowl and filled it up with some pasta and then filled a cup up with water and sat at the kitchen table rather then the perfectly set up dining table.

"Date?", she looked at me raising her eyebrows.

"Yes I need to go in twenty minutes so you two have fun", I winked and she slapped me jokingly with a towel near my shoulder.

Once I had finished my pasta I threw away my bowl and drank up all the water. I looked back up at the clock and saw it was a quarter to four so I decided to go on ahead and move.

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