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"So what's the plan for now?", I looked over at Elijah and Evan.

"How about you and I go check out Alyssa's house for memories in the meantime, and Evan and Sabrina can figure out a spell in case this goes the wrong way", Elijah looked at me as I nodded along with Sammy and Evan.

We stepped outside of the house, Elijah looked at me as I looked at him back in confusion.

"Hop on", He looked at me laughing.

"Hop on?", I raised my eyebrows in confusion.

"Do you trust me?", He looked at me.

"Of course I do", I honestly replied to him.

"Then hop on", He laughed.

"Okey okey", I jumped onto his back piggy back style and suddenly we were in the sky.

"This is amazing", I laughed loudly as I heard him chuckling softly through the wind.

The scenery, the sunset, the top of the houses, some clouds, just absolutely beautiful.

We arrived in front of Alyssa's house.

He set me down and we straight away went into the house.

"Elijah...", I looked at him as we had been sitting down for 5 minutes looking through photos and I was already kind of bored.

"Kylie?", He looked at me as he set Down the photos.

"I'm bored lets take a break please?", I pouted playfully.

"Yeah, okey sure", We stood up and then we just kind of stood there looking through the window.

"So what would you like to do?", He looked at me.

I quickly looked over at him but I noticed something, he's eyes the way they were glistening through the window, the sunset making them glow, he's lips were so plump, full, perfectly smooth.


I crashed my lips into his, he kissed me back but slowly pulled away.

"Whyyy?", I pulled away softly.

"We need to continue this", He looked at the boxes then at me.

"Fine", I turned around, just as I was about to sit down he spun me around by my waist and kissed me back, I kissed him back even harder, it was amazing, like neither of us could get enough of each other.

Somehow we ended up, upstairs we opened up someone's door while we continued kissing never wanting to stop, I laid down on the bed as he laid on top of me, he continued kissing me passionately, he moved slowly down to my neck sucking softly making raspy moans escape my mouth.

I pulled his shirt off quickly, he looked amazing, I ran my fingers softly down his abs biting my lip accidentally.

Suddenly his lips were back on mine he quickly took my shirt off, next thing I knew his pants were off and so were mine.

"Kylie are you sure?", He looked at me.

"Don't even have to ask", I slammed my lips back into his.

"If you say so", He smirked, he slowly took off my bra, and threw it onto the ground he then looked back at me and kissed me again but suddenly his kisses trailed down my neck, he then sucked on my breasts making a loud moan escape my mouth, I didn't expect it to feel that good but it definitely did.

"Oh my god Elijah", I moaned his name softly, I knew that was turning him on and it made me smirk even more.

Next thing I knew we were both naked.

"Kylie you sure?", He looked at me again asking, I love that he cared but I wanted this so much.

"Just kiss me you doofus", I slammed my lips into his as he knelt into me.

It felt a little uncomfortable at first but then I got used to it, he kissed my neck meanwhile, I grabbed onto his hair tugging it softly, I don't know what came over me to do so but I did.

Suddenly this rush came over my and I felt a very pleasurable feeling my eyes rolled back as I started practically screaming.

"Am I hurting you should I stop?", He looked at me stopping quickly.

"Don't stop please not now", I panted quickly.

He quickly smirked and continued, I suddenly jumped forward and I felt a release rush through my body I raked my fingers onto his back in pleasure the feeling was so amazing, I looked over at him as I lay there panting and amazed.

I quickly knelt over on the ground and started my business, I've never done this before but I wanted him to feel just as good as I did.

We laid next to each other for a bit just starting into each other's eyes and talking small talk, until finally I stood up.

"Where are you going?", He looked at me.

"I'm going to shower, I smell like sex. Can you please take off the sheets and wash them downstairs then bring them back up when I get out of the shower I'll remake the bed okay?", I looked at him as I grabbed a towel.

"Sure and I'll take a shower downstairs", He laughed as I stepped into the bathroom.

I walked over to the mirror first turning on the shower allowing the steam to heap through. I decided to wash my face first so I did, I looked at myself in the mirror, I didn't really feel different, I definitely felt amazing. But a little weird. It was my first time so it makes sense. I turned my head over and noticed all the bruises over my neck, great hickeys. I noticed I had the same bruises but by my thighs I blushed just looking at them and smiled at the thought with what had just happened.

I then quickly stepped into the shower.

Once I was out, I walked over to the mirror and applied a little bit of mascara and Chapstick that I saw Alyssa had lying around, I then took some concealer for my hickeys on my neck, once I redressed myself I stepped outside to find the sheets on the bed, but the bed was already made, I had to thank Elijah for that, I smiled and walked back downstairs.

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