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"Kylie", I looked up from my bed to Alyssa with some dinner.

"How can you stand this awful food?", She laughed as she set it in front of my bed.

"Says the one who snacks on blood", I spat.

"Come on that was uncalled for im still the same Alyssa", She pleadingly looked into my eyes.

"Sure", I sent a fake smile towards her way as I started eating the food. Tonight there was bread with some jam and butter and some chicken soup. Not the best but definitely filled me up.


"I'm exhausted and done with dinner you can leave now", I turned around my back to the door as I heard her slowly step out.

Slowly and slowly I felt my eyes close into a deep slumber.

"Kylie?", I heard my voice being called I looked up to see Alyssa, what a shocker.

"Yeah?", I sat up rubbing my eyes trying to adjust to the bright sun.

"Breakfast time", She smiled as she brought over toast and some cereal.

"Thank you..", I sat up as she brought the food towards me.

"I saw a lunch room here, most of the patients are there except for the new ones why is that?", She asked me confusingly as she sat down by the edge of my bed.

"Well if your here for over two weeks then your officially considered to be 'in' so I'm a newbie so I don't go into the lunchroom instead I have lunch being brought to my room", I explained to her quickly as I dug into the food.

"Kylie.. Please you don't belong here leave", She looked into my eyes meaning every word she had just said.

"Alyssa.. I can't at least not right now I don't feel safe out there", I looked out the window my eyes started to tear up so I quickly looked away.

"Well your going to want to leave probably sooner then you think", She stood up smirking obnoxiously.

"What?", I had just finished my food so I sat there confused.

"You have a new roommate", She moved from the door as I saw a wheelchair when the wheelchair turned around I was shocked.

"Sabrina?", I shook my head again trying to adjust my eyesight.

"Oh my god Kylie", She stood up and ran over to me hugging me.

"What are you doing here?", I asked her as she sat down on my bed.

She looked up at Alyssa then back at me, "there's a stranger here I'll tell you later", She winked and walked over to the other side of the room and plopped down into her new bed.

Sabrina. Wow, Sabrina was my roommate while I was in dorm for three years I dropped out after a while for many different reasons that I'm not going to speak about right now but Sabrina was one of the girls who was known as the party gal. Didn't understand quite why she was in a place like this. A place where she doesn't belong. A place where I belong.

"I'm going to go get rid of this trash", Alyssa grabbed my empty tray of food and walked out.

"Sab talk", I sat up removing the blanket from the cold-ish body.

"Look I had this therapist and she labelled me as insane so I'm here", She looked around at the walls confusingly.

"Why are you staring at the walls?", I laughed as she stared at me in disgust then looked back at the walls.

"Don't insult them, they'll hurt me for it", She looked at the walls scared.

"They? Who's they?", I quickly ran over and sat next to her.

"Them", She pointed to the walls and screamed all of a sudden I jumped up from the bed moving far back towards my bed I looked back at Sabrina to see her kneeling down in pain screaming bloody murder. Suddenly a few nurses came running into the room and tried to calm her down suddenly she sat down and looked straight at me.

"That, Kylie, is why I am here", She looked back at the nurses.

It's been a few hours since the incident that had happened this morning with Sabrina I was hoping that Elijah would come and visit me during visiting hours but I wasn't entirely sure if that would happen or not.

Sabrina wasn't in the room anymore I heard she went to the playroom, I stood up from my bed put on my slippers and walked over to the playrooms. It was better then just sitting in my room doing nothing at all.

"Kylie", Sabrina ran over to me and told me to sit down next to her at a table the minute I walked into the playroom.

"Yeah?", I sat down waiting for her to continue.

"I'm not insane okay?", she looked straight into my eyes.

"But then what happened earlier today-".

"You won't believe me, no one does", She looked away I quickly leaned over holding onto her hands and looking into her eyes.

"Sabrina after this week I'll believe anything", I meant every single word I had just said.

"I see dead people... And for some reason every single time someone dies they come to me and touch me and I'm it's almost as if I feel there pain I can also do some things that a normal human being should not be able to do", She sat back down leaning onto the chair as she finished what she had just said.

"Okay tonight I have a plan", I sat up sneakily smirking as she smiled deviously.

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