15 (Alyssa's POV)

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"I can't believe you just let her go last night", Elijah yelled at me once we were all ready to leave.

"I'm sorry Elijah but I saw it in her eyes she needed space", I grabbed the door and walked out.

"So what's your amazingly smart plan on getting us back to nightfall", Evan smirked as he spoke.

I turned towards Evan and Elijah smiling deviously.

"Oh I likey", Elijah laughed as we all walked over to the main road.

Once we got to the main road I walked to the middle and sat down on the ground.

"Lie down it will look more believable", Evan yelled from behind a bush.

"Okay okay", I obeyed and waited.

Finally a red car pulled up, a young girl stepped out and ran over to me.

"Oh my god are you okay? Are you hurt", She stood over me looking insanely concerned.

I stood up immediately and she backed away.

"Now now you shouldn't give people that look, kind of puts them off", I stepped closer to her as she moved back again.

"What, you were just on the ground are you okay?", She asked once again.

"No but we will be", I smirked.

She turned around to see Evan and Elijah I grabbed her immediately sinking my teeth into her skin allowing the delicious savoury taste into my mouth.

"Okay now we got a ride and a delicious snack", I threw her back to the ground and compelled her to forget everything.

Elijah hopped into the drivers seat and zoomed off.

Once we arrived at school I immediately started to look for Kylie but I couldn't find her anywhere.

'Meet me by our place now', I texted Elijah and Evan and walked out quickly waiting for them.

"What's up?", Evan asked as they stopped when they reached me.

"She's not here! I've tried calling texting I even called her mom she's not home or here", I started freaking out.

"Well let's just get through today and then we'll figure out what to do later okay?", Elijah spoke up before we stepped back into class.

"I can do anything after school remember I have my new job", I smiled excitingly.

"Oh yeah good luck", Evan responded.

"Okay but if any of us gets any news from her we let each other know immediately", I spoke up and walked back over to the school.

After what felt like long miserable hours. I stepped out of school and went straight to my new job, I used my card to get inside the gate that they had mailed to me a few days ago and I stepped into the building being greeted by the women at the front desk.

"Oh you must be Alyssa, hello I'm Victoria but you can call me Vic we are going to be working partners", She smiled as she handed me a name tag to put on my shirt.

"Oh hello, nice to meet you", I smiled kindly as I took the name tag on my shirt.

"So we each get given a patient to work with while we are here, yours is patient #4328 okay? She's down the hall to your right", She smiled as she walked back to her desk.

I started to walk down the hall, I needed more money so I decided to start working at the mental hospital. Mean I might as well it's like I'm scared of getting killed or hurt and I can compel someone if they start going crazy.

"Hello, I'm Alyssa-", as I walked through the door I was thrown back mentally. "Kylie? What are you doing here you don't belong here!", I immediately ran over to her bed and sat down next to her.

"Yes I do I'm insane", She just stared at the floor barely alive.

"Come on don't shut down like this Kylie! Wake up! Your not crazy", I shook her trying to get her out of this craziness.

"Oh really?", She looked at me.

"Yes really", I looked straight into her eyes.

All of a sudden out of no where she gets up and starts yelling in my face and runs to the other side of the room throwing her chair towards me but I used my amazingly fast speed to get out of the way.

"What Kylie wake up! This isn't you!", I walked closer next to her.

"Get away from me!", I heard we yell as she started screaming.

A few nurses came running in and immediately shot her with some sort of liquid and she was out like a light.

"Next time you don't need to sedate her I can deal with it I promise", I mean every word I had just said.

"You must be Alyssa hello, some patients here are a little harder to deal with then the others but trust me it isn't that bad after a while of working here", She smiled kindly as the other patient was putting Kylie into a wheelchair while Kylie herself was passed out.

"Thanks..-", I looked away for a second.

"Oh how rude of me I'm the head mistress here my name is Lila", She stuck her hand out.

"Hello, where are you taking Kylie?", I asked curiosity eating me out alive as they wheeled her out of the room and down the hall.

"Oh don't worry about it she'll be just fine go to Victoria and she'll tell you what else you can do", She smiled and walked away. I decided for once in my entire life I would mind my own business and I walked back over to Vic.

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