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"Elijah?", I waved my hand in front of him confused.

"Huh? What?", he looked as if he just snapped out of a vision. That's so raven like.

"I asked how old are you? Because I mean you look my age but obviously your not", I placed my elbows on the table leaning towards him.

"I'm.. 413 years old", He quietly stated.

"Wow.. So you were born in-".

"1601", Elijah finished my confused sentence.

"Wow.. How did you change exactly?", I looked at him interested.


"Here's your meals", the kind waitress returned with our meals.

"Thank you", Elijah and I replied at the same time.

"Aw aren't you guys the sweetest, what are your names?", She asked us as she set down our drinks and food in front of us.

"I'm Kylie", I smiled softly.

"Elijah", He smiled then looked at his delicious food.

"Oh well hello Kylie and Elijah Im Ruby", She smiled kindly as I returned the gesture, she then turned around.

"As I was saying, I fell into a deep sickness in 1600 and my parents didn't know what to do, so they asks there witch friend what they should do, that night they knew I was going to die, when I woke up the next morning all I could crave was blood all I could hear were people's hearts pumping blood through there body's I didn't know what was going on and I was freaking out. I met up with Evan and he told me I needed to drink from a human vein or I was going to die. I couldn't do that, you know killing a human in that time seemed so unrealistic and stupid! But then Evan finally told me he would do what I needed to do for me, so he killed some random innocent human and I fed on her, that switched his werewolf curse on and I remained a vampire", He quickly dug into his eggs and drank some of his orange juice.

"You really like orange juice?", I asked him randomly.

"Not really, but it helps with cravings", He stated as he sipped a little bit more.

"Oh okay", I started eating my waffle, once I started digging in that is when I realized how hungry I actually was, next thing I knew I was finished with my food and I was fuller then ever so was Elijah.

"So when's your birthday?", I looked over at Elijah confused.

"October 28th, you?", he wiped his face with a napkin.

"November 17th", I smiled softly.

"So you'll be eighteen soon", he laughed.

"Yes and you'll be 414 but-".

"I died when I was nineteen so that's why I look your age", it was like he read my mind.

"Wait a second can you read my mind", I quickly asked him.

"Kind of.. Look I have a gift for you", He pulled out a little box from his pants.

"Elijah, you really shouldn't have", I gasped at the beautiful sight when he opened up the box.

It was a beautiful rose gold necklace with a little heart in the middle.

"Elijah this is beautiful, thank you.. But you already got me a bracelet", He quickly stood up and put it on for me.

"Your welcome and I know the bracelet was an actual regular gift from me", He smiled as he sat back down across from me.

"So why the sudden gift?", I looked at him.

"Well in that heart there is vervain in there which allows no vampire or anything else to ever compel you plus I can't read your mind now, but I still can get into your head but after I heard what Evan did to you that won't be happening anytime soon don't worry", He chuckled softly.

"Oh okay good to know", I laughed.

"la cuenta, por favor?", Suddenly Elijah spoke towards one of the waitresses.

"Spanish?", I asked quickly.

"Fluently", He smiled cockily.

"Oh", Was all I could say.

"aquí tienes", One of the waitresses came up with out check.

"You know her?", I asked Elijah  softly as he started counting up his money.

"Not really, but when I first moved here I came to this cafe a lot and she was my first waitress to serve me here so I found out she speaks fluent Spanish and it's way better then her English so I just help her out", He continued counting dollars.

"I could help you know", I quickly took out my wallet.

"No", Elijah stated.


"No", Elijah responded quickly.

"Elijah I need to repay you at least somehow I feel bad", I quickly took out some money.

"Give me a dollar", He looked up at me smiling.

"Okay..?", I gave him a dollar and put my wallet back.

"Thank you now you have repaid me", He laughed.

"Oh.. Okay", I nervously smiled.

"Vuelve pronto Elijah", The kind waitress smiled as we stood up and walked out.

"no te preocupes, pronto. gracias Juliana", He quickly responded to now that I know, Juliana, as we left.

"She has a pretty name", I quietly said.

"Yeah she does", he agreed with me as we walked back over to his car. Once we got inside his car he looked over at me.

"So what would you like to do today?", Elijah looked at me.


"Yes you", He responded.

"I can't decide", I laughed.

"Why not?", He looked confused.

"I'm the most indecisive person on the planet", I laughed harder then before.

"Okay.. How about the beach?", He looked at me as he started the engine to his car.

"Sounds perfect.. The weather is gross for a beach day but then again when in nightfall isn't it", I put my seatbelt on quickly.

"And we are off", He didn't even bother with a seat belt which makes sense then we drove off towards the beach.

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