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I can't believe Alyssa works here. She wasn't supposed to find me! No one was supposed to find me. I know I'm not insane, I just put on that whole show while Alyssa was here to get her away from me. I don't feel safe out of here, so as long as I play insane I feel safe.

"Here you go Kylie", The kind nurse set me down in what they like to call the 'play room'. Where most patients come and there's a few board games some cards and just a few random tables for when it's visiting hours. I stood up from the wheelchair, still felt a bit woozy from being sedated but it wasn't a huge dose it was insanely small but still enough to make me weak. I walked over to the one of the tables and sat down with some cards.

I just sat there and mostly looked out the window it was a gloomy kind of day not there's such thing as summer here in night fall which to be completely honest I don't hate at all I barely sweat.

I heard someone walk through the door but I didn't even bother to look I was to distracted by the view outside, probably some patient coming in as well.

"Kylie", I heard a familiar voice as I turned around to see Alyssa sitting across from me.

"What?", I asked while snapping accidentally.

"Don't make me compel you", She sat straight up.

"Compel?", I turned from the window and sat straight as well looking straight at her. "Another vampire thing?", I bluntly said.

"I can look in your eyes and tell you what to do unless you have vervain in your system which you don't so as I said before don't make me compel you", She put her left leg over her right leg.

"Okay.. What do you want?", I really wasn't comfortable being so incredibly close to her.

"Your not really insane are you?", She quietly spoke but it was almost like a whisper.

I didn't respond I just stared at the floor.

"Come on you don't need to be scared of Evan, Elijah and I", She meant every word she said but I still didn't dare to look at her.

Elijah. I actually missed him.

"Kylie pleas-".

"Can you ask Elijah to come visit me?", I rudely interrupted her.

"Yes of course.. But right now I need you to answer my questions", She stared straight at me but I didn't dare to look back.

I continued staring at the floor I started to get really interested in the detail on the carpet.

"And if you say what I think you will then we will get out you out of here immediately" The minute those words left her mouth I looked straight at her.

"I'm tired take me back to my room", I lazily said.

"Let me see if that's okay", She stood up and walked out of the room.

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