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"Yes what happened last night was real", Was all he said as I approached him.

"Okay..", I dragged off the okay as I stepped away and into school.

I saw Alyssa standing there by my locker. Not to speak to me, her locker was right next to mine. I slowly but awkwardly walked over to my locker and opened it quickly taking out my notebook. She slammed her locker shut looked at me and slowly turned around.

"I'm sorry", I blurted out.

"Sorry?", She turned around smirking.

"Yes I'm sorry, I don't want to lose you Alyssa", I meant every word that had just popped out of my mouth.

Next thing I know she's in front of my face, vampire speed I guess.

"Your going to need a lot more then sorry for me to forgive you", She almost turned around but I grabbed her wrist and turned her around back to me.

"Forgive me? You almost bit me Alyssa your not exactly on the Angels list", I let go of her wrist quickly.

"I'm a vampire, I eat and compel. Obviously I'm not on the Angels list", She then turned around, as I was about to respond she was out within a blink of an eye.

"Great", I muttered under my breathe shutting my locker softly and heading off to class.

It was Friday today, so I quickly headed off to art class, at the end of the day I had the Drama class to attend to which I was quite excited for.

Today we had a short day. Not because It was Friday, No one really got a confirmation on that.

"Ready to audition for Juliet"?, I looked over and saw Evan standing next to a girl who looked a bit familiar.

"Lillian we never officially met", She smiled and put her hand out, I returned the favor and shook her hand.

"Oh yeah! Drama class, So who are you planning on auditioning for?", I asked her as the three of us walked towards the classroom.

"Lady Capulet or Lady Montague", she smiled proudly.

"What about you?", I looked over at Evan.

"So I had an Idea last time of who I wanted to play but now I'm thinking of auditioning for Mercutio", He chuckled softly.

"And I hear you want Juliet, good luck girl", Lillian spoke up.

"Yes I'm Kylie by the way", I smiled kindly.

"Okay you can call me Lilly by the way", Lillian laughed softly.

We all turned into the classroom.

"So as you all know auditions were actually supposed to be held three weeks ago but there was a mishap in the school so we decided to have all auditions today I hope you all are prepared", The teacher spoke up as all the students piled into the room and into there seats.

"Why would he switch it?", I quickly whisper into Evans ear.

"He didn't", was all he said as he looked at the teacher.

"Compultion?", I asked him quickly.

"Yes, which by the way Elijah had a gift for you later today", He sat forward paying attention to the teacher.

"Okay", I sat back and started listening as well.

Once many people have gone in for there auditioning including me there for only three students left for the auditioning.

*ding ding*

I looked down at my phone to see I had a text from Elijah.

"Meet me at the regular?".

"In 10", I responded quickly as I grabbed my bag.

"Where are you going?", I heard the teacher ask me.

"Oh um.. I need to...-", I looked over at Evan quickly. I gave him this look to help me. He immediately zoomed over and compelled him to allow me to leave. I thanked him quickly and ran out of the building, once I was out of the actual school building I walked over to the bus stop to find Elijah sitting there smiling he stood up as I got closer.

"I heard you have a gift for me", I cheekily smiled as I stepped into the busy stop hugging Elijah, then we both sat down.

"He just doesn't know when to shut his mouth does he?", He smiled softly. His beautiful perfect smile.

"So?", I sat there awkwardly.

"Here it's a Bracelet", He took it out of his bag and out of the box and put it on my wrist. It was beautiful, a rose gold chain with little hearts along the side.

"Elijah.. This is beautiful thank you", I looked up but I was caught up in the moment and ended up kissing him quickly.

He kissed me back.

It was a short kiss, but it sure felt amazing.

"So what are we? And I'm dreading this conversation but I'm just kind of confused", I laughed awkwardly.

"Not sure yet.. We'll figure it out soon though", He smirked softly.

"Okay", I smiled and looked down at the bracelet again.

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