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"So what classes do you have next?", Alyssa spoke up from the silence, it wasn't awkward but wasn't completely pleasant either.

"Well I just had chemistry-".

"Oh Gina, love that teacher she's amazing", Elijah chimed In.

"You just wanna get with her", Evan knocked Elijah's arm playfully.

"She's my teacher-", Elijah argued back laughing.

"That is so wrong on so many levels", Alyssa laughed then looked back at me waiting for me to continue.

"Oh right okay so I have two hours of math soon and then I have an art lesson and a drama class after", I smiled back at them.

"Okay well Elijah will be in your art class Evan will be in your drama class and I sadly will see you in math", Alyssa put her hand on her heart dramatically.

"Today's only Monday though what about tomorrow?", Evan asked me.

"Umm...", I pulled out my schedule and looked at Tuesday. "Well first two periods I have history third period math, again, fourth period is gym and fifth period is art", I put my schedule back into my bag.

"Okay so tomorrow Evan will be with you in history so will I, and math you'll see me, yet again, and gym none of us and art you'll have Elijah", Alyssa smiled.

"Good to know", I smiled and looked out of the bus station it was so beautiful here. In night fall, or so I've heard, you pretty much don't have summer the hottest it ever gets is 12 degrees, it was currently snowing and chilly outside but I loved it I personally was not and never will be a fan of a sun.

"So what did you guys bring for lunch?", Evan asked all of us.

"Nothing", Elijah and Alyssa answered at the same time.

"I brought some grapes, but I thought we can buy some lunch here my grapes were just provided as a snack", I laughed softly.

"The lunch here sucks trust me do not eat the food unless you want to be sitting on the toilet for a month-", Evan laughed.

"A month? Be realistic Evan more like a few days", Alyssa responded laughing.

"Okay.. What do we do then?", I looked at the three of them.

"Don't worry I gotcha covered when it's lunch time call me", Alyssa smiled.

"Sure thing", I mentally noted that to myself.

"So where did you come from?", Elijah asked me.

"Originally I was born In Canada but I moved to California when I was eight", I smiled, "what about you three?".

"Well I was born In Amsterdam but grew up here", Alyssa spoke up.

"And we were born and raised here", Elijah responded for Evan.

"Oh okay cool", I smiled, "thank you guys for being so inviting and you especially Alyssa for talking to me in the first place I would've been so lost without your help", I genuinely meant what I had just said.

"Aw baby girl no problem and don't worry your apart of us now we're all family", She smiled and so did Evan and Elijah.

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